Iredell Free News asked each of the Republican candidates in the upcoming primary election for three seats on the Iredell County Board of Commissioners a series of questions about important issues.
Challenger Brad Howard is one of seven candidates in the March 5 primary. Here are his answers:
IFN: The Board of Commissioners has been criticized for not making a larger cut to the property tax rate following the significant increase in property values. What is your view on this? If you believe the rate should have been cut further, would you have cut services, staff, school funding, capital expenses or elsewhere — or used money from the fund balance to offset cuts to tax rate?
HOWARD: It isn’t about one particular line item in the budget. It’s about the long-term vision and someone who understands the increase year over year, and how to effectively manage that. I want to have a better grasp on future planning so that we don’t have these extreme tax increases.
IFN: In your view, what are the county’s most pressing capital projects? What are your priorities? How would you pay for these?
HOWARD: I grew up in Mooresville nearly 50 years ago and have witnessed the transformation of Iredell County. Proper, long-range land planning and directed paths for infrastructure are key to successful development. One must make these decisions looking 10, 20, and 30 years into the future to the impacts they will have on our children and grandchildren.
In my opinion, the most pressing capital projects are the school infrastructure and public safety. The State of North Carolina requires the county to build school facilities. We must have open, honest dialogues regarding how to properly plan for schools, public safety, and infrastructure. There are a variety of funding opportunities that will be explored. I will be transparent as I explore those options.
IFN: Per pupil funding for I-SS ranks near the bottom of public-school districts. Do you believe the Board of Commissioners adequately funds operations and the capital needs of Iredell-Statesville Schools, Mooresville Graded Schools and Mooresville Community College? If you would increase funding, how would you pay for it?
HOWARD: All three education systems do an outstanding job with the resources they have from the taxpayers of Iredell County. I attended Mount Mourne Elementary, Brawley Middle, and Mooresville High School, which gives me a personal understanding of the county education systems.
IFN: Do you think commissioners adequately fund parks and recreation? Would you support an increase or cut to this department?
HOWARD: I think parks and recreation should always be a priority for the county. As the needs progress, the budget should be reassessed to meet the needs of the community.
IFN: Voters will decide in March whether to continue the practice of rewarding the top two vote-getters in the Board of Commissioners election with four-year terms and the third-place finisher with a two-year term OR having staggered elections with four-year terms for all seats. Do you support this? Why or why not?
HOWARD: I do support the continued practice of rewarding the top two vote-getters with four-year terms and the third-place finisher would receive a two-year term. I believe it gives voters the opportunity to reassess at the two-year mark if they are content with the commissioner who won the two-year term.
IFN: Why are you the best choice among the Republican candidates in the March 5 primary?
Howard: I am an Iredell County native and am extremely passionate about the place where I was raised. I am raising my family here, and want it to be a place where my children will raise their families, too. As a business leader, I am eager to apply my skills and expertise to ensure Iredell County prospers for generations to come. I stand for fiscal responsibility, accessibility, accountability, and representation. Residents of Iredell County can “Expect More” from me as I am committed to making an impact for the people. My priorities include fiscal conservatism and transparent tax policies, preserving, protecting and growing our agricultural heritage, education choice for all families, enhancing the county’s infrastructure to support our needs, supporting and enhancing the crucial role of law enforcement spanning fire departments and first responders to ensure a safe and secure community, advocating for property rights, creating new employment opportunities to foster a thriving job market, and focusing on improving our economy.
I am ready to lead Iredell County as a commissioner with my years of proven experience in business, dedication to the community, and my willingness to roll up my sleeves to figure out solutions that benefit our county.
♦ Howard announces campaign for seat on Iredell County Board of Commissioners
This guy, according to his profile, is a real estate developer. I think we have plenty of advocates for development in our area in office already.
Iredell County Commissioners increased the FY 24 budget by an astounding 25% ($258.7M to $323.6M) and consequently taxpayers’ property taxes increased by approximately 25% as well. Would you roll back taxes to a more reasonable level?