Iredell Free News asked each of the Republican candidates in the upcoming primary election for three seats on the Iredell County Board of Commissioners a series of questions about important issues.
Challenger William Compton is one of seven candidates in the March 5 primary. Here are his answers:
IFN: The Board of Commissioners has been criticized for not making a larger cut to the property tax rate following the significant increase in property values. What is your view on this? If you believe the rate should have been cut further, would you have cut services, staff, school funding, capital expenses or elsewhere — or used money from the fund balance to offset cuts to tax rate? Please explain your answer.
COMPTON: Citizens need to see a review of the Basic County Budget every quarter. This would help citizens see where there money has been spent and what’s left over. Transparency is very important. Property reevaluation needs to have a cap on it, meaning the increase in the taxable value cannot go over a certain percentage with approval most likely from the State. There is no need to cut services or school funding.
IFN: In your view, what are the county’s most pressing capital projects? What are your priorities? How would you pay for these?
COMPTON: Capital projects are needed for new schools, the Sheriff’s Office, and the Iredell County Fairgrounds. Bond issues are very important. Grants are also helpful in paying for projects. Fairgrounds could be used for different daily events and not only pay for itself but make money for Iredell County. At the same time, schools could have more sporting events there also.
IFN: Per pupil funding for I-SS ranks near the bottom of public school districts in N.C. Do you believe the Board of Commissioners adequately funds operations and the capital needs of Iredell-Statesville Schools, Mooresville Graded Schools and Mooresville Community College? If you would increase funding, how would you pay for it?
COMPTON: Education is always a top priority! To increase funding; more grants are needed for Title I, and special need classes. The State needs to provide more funding from the Education Lottery & ABC Store Sales. With a County Budget of $323.6 million and a School Budget from local, state and federal funding of $290 million, there should be a School Trust Fund set up for the future needs.
IFN: Do you think commissioners adequately fund parks and recreation? Would you support an increase or cuts to this department?
COMPTON: Parks and Recreation also needs grant writers. It is very important that land be preserved for future generations. Parks help keep our citizens healthy. Parks should be planned around schools so students can learn about the environment and science. Very important for all county departments to work together for the future of Iredell County.
IFN: Voters will decide in March whether to continue the practice of rewarding the top two vote-getters in the Board of Commissioners election with four-year terms and the third-place finisher with a two-year term OR having staggered elections with four-year terms for all seats. Do you support this? Why or why not?
COMPTON: Staggered elections with four-year terms for all seats would be much easier. Term limits is also needed. Two four-year terms is plenty for one person. New candidates can sometimes bring fresh new ideas and innovation.
IFN: Why are you the best choice among the Republican candidates in the March 5 primary?
COMPTON: I am running for Iredell County Commission to bring as much transparency as possible to the citizens. I support infrastructure before massive development., town hall meetings quarterly, land preservation, 3D printing in Schools, swim teams in schools, an observation tower for Sheriff’s Office use at sporting events and malls, full-time grant writers, and Health Department 24/7 Tele-Health Line. I believe in Prayer! Thankful to everyone of you for this opportunity!
♦ Compton announces campaign for seat on Iredell County Board of Commissioners