The Iredell Council on Aging hosted a large crowd for the ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new administrative offices on Thursday afternoon.

The nonprofit recently completed phase I of a multi-phase capital plan to refurbish its property on East Front Street, investing about $350,000 in the facility overhaul.

Executive Director Jennifer Barraclough welcomed representatives from the Statesville and Mooresville chambers of commerce as well as community supporters and volunteers to the ceremony.

Although the Council on Aging has served thousands of seniors since incorporating 50 years ago, the move down the hill from the Senior Center has provided an opportunity for Barraclough and her team to share their mission with a new generation of seniors.

“People that didn’t know about us now know where the Council on Aging is located,” Barraclough explained.

Since incorporating in 1974, the Council on Aging has provided a vast array of services — almost all of which are free. Most people know the nonprofit provides hot and frozen meals through the Meals on Wheels program and that the Senior Center offers regular Bingo games.

But the agency provides much more to 10,000 Iredell seniors each years, including:

♦ Free transportation through ICATS to meal sites;
♦ Free tax prep services and financial services;
♦ A wide range of free programming, including line dancing, cardio drumming, chair volleyball and more;
♦ In home services and respite care;
♦ Trips to local and regional destinations — and beyond; and
♦ Free help with Medicare enrollment

“We ‘re serving older adults in all different capacities,” Barraclough said. “You have to meet everyone where they’re at.”

A team of five full-time and 18 part-time employees are available to assist seniors and family caregivers.

The Iredell Council on Aging is an independent nonprofit agency. With a revenue stream that includes federal grants and reimbursements, state funding and local government appropriations, the agency has an annual budget of $2.5 million.


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Photo Gallery (Amanda Caldwell photos)