Special to IFN
The Iredell County Board of Health, following consultation with the Iredell County Board of Commissioners, has selected Brady Freeman to serve as Iredell County health director, effective August 31.

Freeman’s appointment will begin following the retirement of Health Director Jane Hinson, whose last day will be August 30.
Freeman was employed by Iredell County Health Department Environmental Health Onsite Water Protection Division from 1995 to 2005 before leaving to work in the private sector. He returned to the Health Department in 2011 as a Food & Lodging Environmental Health specialist. In 2012 Freeman was promoted to the On-Site Water Protection Program specialist lead and in 2014 promoted to Environmental Health director II.
Freeman has served on the Health Department’s executive leadership team since 2014 and has developed an in-depth knowledge of N.C. public health law as well as services and programs provided to the public. He was instrumental in bringing the Virginia Tech research team to perform water sampling for homeowners. His vigilant efforts to protect the health of our community, along with Hinson, local and state officials, led to State appropriations for further coal ash research.
Freeman earned a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Health from Western Carolina University and a Master of Public Administration from Appalachian State University. He has been a Registered Environmental Health Specialist since 1997. In addition, Freeman has received training and been involved with emergency preparedness, Health Director’s legal conference, N.C. Health Directors Association meetings, Environmental Health Symposiums, and the N.C. Environmental Health Supervisors Association.