Special to IFN

The events featured below are just some of our highlighted events for the next month at the Iredell County Public Library. Registration is required for programs that take place inside the library and can be done from the library’s website or by contacting any ICPL branch.

A full schedule of events across all Iredell County Public Library branches can be found at https://bit.ly/ICPLevents.


Receipts to Savings

Learn how to maximize discounts by integrating couponing apps into your shopping routine. Bring your smartphone or tablet and get ready to learn!

♦ Statesville Library: December 2 at 11 a.m.

Family Search and Online Resources at the ICPL

The Iredell County Public Library is now a Family Search Library Affiliate which allows researchers through the library to access resources unavailable to the general public. Local History Librarian Joel Reese will walk through some of these important historical sources, how to use them, and what information can be found.

♦ Statesville Library: December 10 at 6 p.m.

Iredell Council on Aging Senior Exercise – Chair Yoga

Join a representative from Iredell Council on Aging for monthly exercise activities at the library. Designed specifically for seniors ages 60-plus, our sessions focus on enhancing mobility, strength, and flexibility through safe and enjoyable exercises.

♦ Statesville Library: December 11 at 10 a.m.
♦ Harmony Library: December 17 at 11 a.m.

Coloring Club Holiday Party

Come in and color! Stop by and de-stress at the library for a special winter gathering with cookies and cocoa. Coloring sheets and colored pencils will be provided.

♦ Statesville Library: December 11 at 2 p.m.

Plants with Symbolic Holiday Meanings

Explore the fascinating world of plants with symbolic holiday meanings this December. Learn about the history and significance of plants such as poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly. Discover their cultural and religious roots, and how they have evolved into popular traditions today.

♦ Harmony Library: December 14 at 2 p.m.

Iredell History Tellers Series: Ellie Andrews and P.F. Laugenour

The diary of Ellie Andrews is a unique perspective of life in Iredell County during the Civil War through the eyes of a woman. Her descendants have been sharing her story for decades. Dr. P.F. Laugenour was a respected dentist in Statesville and hobbyist genealogist. His research is still being used by family historians today.

♦ Statesville Library: December 16 at 6 p.m.


Winter Wonderland Family Celebration

Join us for a winter themed celebration for children and families! Sip hot cocoa while enjoying winter snacks, games, crafts, and more.

♦ Statesville Library: December 5: 4 to 6 p.m.
♦ Harmony Library: December 11: 4 to 5:30 p.m.

Frosty Forest Family Celebration

Join us for a winter themed celebration for children and families! Enjoy winter snacks, games, crafts, and live music at the library.

♦ Troutman Library: December 12: 4 to 6 p.m.