Iredell-Statesville Schools Board of Education member Mike Kubiniec apologized publicly on Monday for using inappropriate language during a board meeting in April.

“In one of the meetings, I made an unintended comment and I’d like to apologize,” Kubiniec said during Monday night’s board meeting.
Kubiniec, who represents District 5, used what is considered profane language when a vote did not go his way during the April meeting.
Board member Abby Trent said Kubinec’s comment violated the board’s Code of Conduct, which includes modeling civility, integrity and always considering students as their first priority. She asked for a censure vote to be placed on Monday’s agenda.
Chairman Bill Howell originally agreed to this request, but said it was put on by mistake.
“The board wanted to see an apology. Since he agreed to apologize, there was no need for the board to consider a censure,” he said.
Howell added: “I would like for healing to go on with the board. We are human. We are not perfect.”
During his first year on the board, Kubiniec was ousted as vice chair by his colleagues and censured.
More recently, he was served a criminal summons charging him with stalking Trent. He also has implied on social media that witnesses committed perjury while testifying against him in a civil proceeding. Trent, Howell and Superintendent Jeff James were among the witnesses in that court hearing.
Some common sense has finally prevailed at Monday’s board meeting when an item to censure Mr. Kubiniec was removed from the agenda. In its place, a simple apology. It’s extremely sad and pathetic that the bar for censuring someone is so very low. An unintentional word said under someone’s breath? This is absolutely ridiculous. School libraries have books filled with filthy language and yet, they remain on the shelves.
I thought I would fall out of my chair when Phelps approached the podium with bodyguards. What a joke this man and ALL who follow him are. However, it’s probably a really good idea to have bodyguards.
Mommy and son, tag team duo! She’s got to make sure she’s there to coddle him after he embarrasses himself at the podium once again 😂 These two clowns are the BIGGEST joke in Iredell County. Why isn’t puppet boy at the beach like he’s claimed to be all this time?
And here I thought that was Trent and her handler, I mean, mother. This whole crew on the board needs to be replaced and I’m feeling the same about ol’ Jeff James. Get back to the business of education, preferably without the egos attached.
Can somebody tell me why we have a board member who has placed her kids in a private school and another board member who had his kid in a private school? This should be a BIG red flag to the citizens of this county. Especially when both of them talked so badly about the kids and staff at Statesville High School. They had no idea the public would see who they really were. Thank you IFN for seeking out the truth for these self-serving individuals. I have no doubt the voters will do the right thing next time around.
Mikey is probably back living with Silence do good because it’s expensive to live at the beach and “community organizing” and being captain Ks campaign manager don’t pay well!!
Now, let’s hear the apologies from all the people that voted for these morons.
Looks like healing is going to be a pretty rough road considering all the self righteousness coming from Kubiniec and Kurn. They are so much better than everyone else in the community. Why would they ever need to apologize for their mistakes? It won’t matter anyways. Based on their track records, they will act out again in a month or two. Both need to resign. Pitiful excuses for board members.
Funny how Mrs Doogood & her convicted drug offender son hate the Free News but they are the first ones on here commenting. Sounds like hypocrites to me. She got it wrong. The bar isn’t set low; her buddy Kubiniec is low. I guess he thinks the people in this county will forget what he has done over the last year or more. Guess it’s back to the drawing board for the convicted campaign manager and Special K.
What happened at the beach? I heard convicted campaign manager moved to the beach? Guess maybe they figured him out too. Had high hopes he & his mommy were gone. What a joke! Iredell County is laughing at his performance. A legend in his & his mommy’s own minds.
I want to sign up to be a body guard for Micah!
Jill, it was good to see you and your scared little boy back behind the mic. It was like the good old days with a special appearance by Kelli Harris.
Since Special K & Mrs Thunderdome seem to have self control issues with regards to the garbage they spew from their lips, I’d say an apology is meaningless, just like the ones in the past. You would think they would’ve learned their lesson after they were exposed during the secret texting, but no, almost a year later & they are still causing problems. At least cryin Brian figured out how to zip it.
The work of a school board is extremely important and should never be used for one’s personal stage. This has become a clown show. Our children are too important and deserve better. God asks us to forgive one another as He forgives us, but I don’t believe He wants us to accept the bad decisions of those placed in a position to make responsible decisions for our children.
I’m not surprised in the least at the comments being made. Nobody wants to debate the issues much less ponder for a second the possibility that you are not being told the truth about what has happened over the course of these past several months. You all love playing armchair quarterback. You love to disparage others to make yourselves feel superior. The name-calling is childish and shows your lack of maturity. Grow up! If you think you can do a better job, then by all means, run for school board.
Go back to the beach, Jill. You don’t have any kids in the system & your baby Micah doesn’t qualify as a student. He may be immature but that’s no excuse at 40 to behave the way he does. Time to cut the cord.
Jill, why don’t you get baby boy to run? That didn’t work out too well for him back in West Virginia, did it? Since we don’t know the real truth, tell Micah and Preacher Man to go back on the radio and tell us all about. Still waiting and waiting and waiting.
What, exactly, is an “unintended” comment. If you DIDN’T intend to say it, why didn’t you just keep your mouth shut? Sounds like what was unintended was the hearing of said comment. I don’t know whether the comment required censure (I have no idea what it was), but I am fairly certain that apology was a “non-apology apology.” I hope the people of Iredell County have enough sense to elect a school board this fall with at least a little interest in the children, the teachers, and the administration of the school system they are elected to serve rather than to further their narrow ideological & political views.
This is a toxic body for education and a joke for the children and parents. This body needs to be disbanded and start over. This is like kindergarten.