Special to IFN
Mooresville Arts is pleased to announce the opening of two new exhibits, which are currently on display at the Depot.

The Hot+Cold Themed Group Exhibit is featured in the Depot’s Center Gallery. Thirty-three local and regional artists are participating in this show, showcasing the theme of hot and cold.
Participating artists were challenged to create a piece of work with their interpretation of the show’s theme, using physical temperature, color temperature and more. A variety of subjects and styles are included in this exhibit. This multimedia exhibit featuring paintings and drawings, photography, fiber arts, pottery and mixed media.
Participating Artists include: Diego Alba, Linda Cole, Margaret Crowley, Suzy Czerwinski, Scherrie DeBord, Jan Dormsjo, Janet Dyer, Margaret Fleeman, Rosalind Parkes, Kristin Hahn, Anna Hyland, Sheila Isenhour, Brenda Kadlecik, Elijah Kell, Helen Langhorne, Miranda Leaver, Natalia Leigh, Yuanyuan Li, Kelly Lucarelli, Christopher McIntosh, Barbara O’Reilly, Ann Parker, Amy Pennell-Myers, Brenda Pokorny, Linda Reville, Michael Ritzie, Walter Russell, Cynthia Sapp, Veda Saravanan, Erik Schutzman, Lorie Setterberg, Kathy Weiss, and Nicole Weldy.

The Avant-Garde Themed Group Exhibit is on display in the Depot’s Skylight Gallery. Thirty artists are featured in this multimedia exhibit, showcasing paintings and drawings, digital art, mixed media, fiber arts and more. A variety of interpretations to the show’s theme of “avant-garde” are showcased.
Participating Artists include: K. Orr Ambrose, Umayal Annamalai, Sandie Bell, Stuart Cantor, Dominick Cioffi, Margaret Crowley, Carleen Davis, Elizabeth Delatorre, Amy Dokken, Jan Dormsjo, Sandra Eaton, Maikol Garcia, Maryjo Gunning, Kristin Hahn, Susie Hearn, Anna Hyland, Leighton Isaacs, Sheila Isenhour, Irene Jahns, Mark Jones, Miranda Leaver, Natalia Leigh, Pilar Mageau, Christopher Mcintosh, Ellen Patterson, Suzette Picozzi, Linda Reville, Lynda Santoni, Patrick Turner, and Evan Washington.
Both exhibits are on display now through Thursday, September 26.
Artists Reception
An artists reception will be Friday, August 2, from 6 to 8 p.m. All are welcome to attend and meet the artists.
Gallery Hours are Tuesday-Saturday from 12 to 4 p.m. Most of the artwork is for sale, and art sales directly benefit participating artists and Mooresville Arts, a nonprofit arts gallery and organization.
Mooresville Arts is located at 103 W. Center Avenue in Mooresville. Call 704-663-6661 or visit mooresvillearts.org