Pictured are Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes in Mooresville Service Unit 136.


Mooresville Service Unit 136 held its first annual Rope Runner Derby on March 15, 2024, at the Selma Burke Recreation Center. This exciting St. Patrick’s Day themed event brought together Daisies, Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes from Mooresville’s Service Unit 136. While awaiting for everyone to arrive and for the race to begin, Scouts were able to make a variety of crafts and test their rope runners with the help of volunteer Scouts from Troop 13179.

What are Rope Runners?

Rope Runners, wooden figures that challenge gravity, balance on a single wheel while racing along two ropes. Participants assemble their Rope Runners from kits, providing space for imagination and innovation. Whether simple or elaborate, each Rope Runner mirrors its maker’s distinct style and creativity.

Competition Heats Up

The competition intensified as Scouts at the Selma Burke Recreation Center geared up for their races. Excitement filled the air, with cheers and laughter echoing around them. Each Scout took their turn, watching their Rope Runner go down the ropes with determination.

Awards and Recognition

After careful calculation, the Scout helpers and leaders determined the average scores and presented medals to the racers who placed first, second, and third. Additionally, participants received recognition for categories such as Most Creative, Leader’s Choice, Best Animal design, and Girl Scout spirit.

At the event’s conclusion, each Scout received a special fun patch to commemorate their participation. The first annual Rope Runner Derby was more than just a race; it was a celebration of creativity, teamwork, and the Girl Scout spirit.

Planning for Next Year

Rope runner kits are available for anyone interested, not just limited to Girl Scouts. This program aims to inspire creativity, learning, and fun through this engaging STEM activity. Rope Runner Kits can be ordered at RopeRunners.com.
