Jayne Deku will share her work in Mooresville on September 14.

Special to IFN

The next Performance Coffee Poetry Event and Open Mic is scheduled for September 14.

The event, which is scheduled for 12 noon to 2 p.m., will feature poet and author Jayne Deku. This event is free and open to the public. 

E.J. Offori-Deku, known as Jayne Deku, is a poet and the author of “and so, she wrote.” Born and raised in Ghana, she earned a bachelor’s degree from Webster University in Vienna, Austria. She also studied at Humber College in Ontario, Canada.

She has studied, lived and worked in Austria, Angola, Canada and the U.S.. Her interests include traveling to and discovering new places, bringing seemingly unconnected people together, and exploring the creative world through written and visual stories. She draws her inspiration for poetry from everyday conversations, observing people and nature, and personal life experiences.

Following Jayne Deku’s reading, there will be an Open Mic opportunity for poets of all ages and all stages of their careers to share their work. All local poets are invited to participate.

Performance Coffee is located at 143 S. Broad Street in Mooresville.