Special to IFN
The Mooresville Youth Council (MYC) is excited to announce the election of the fourth Dog Mayor of Mooresville.
Reya’s term as the new Dog Mayor began during an MYC event on June 30.
Each year, the MYC accepts nominations for the Dog Mayor position, allowing residents and followers to vote on their mayoral choice. The dog that garners the most votes is then installed for a one-year term as the Dog Mayor.
MYC members work with various Town departments to coordinate the process as well as get the Dog Mayor involved in events and activities.
“I have had a chance to meet Reya on a couple occasions and she is wonderful addition to our Town,” said Mayor Chris Carney. “The voters got it right, and she’ll do a great job! I’m excited to work with her over the next year.”
Reya is a 12-year-old pit bull, who has overcome various medical struggles. She’s had two knee surgeries, had a dew claw removed because of a bone infection, and struggled with skin issues.
Reya’s owner, Ashley Potts, said the Dog Mayor contest came at a great time for their family.
“We lost Reya’s fur brother, Rufio, in March due to bladder cancer,” Potts said. “We’re thankful for the Mooresville Youth Council for this yearly tradition. It came at the perfect time for our little family!”
Reya is passionate about healthy eating, breed awareness, and Sheldon’s K9s. She can often be found strolling Downtown Mooresville.
Part of Reya’s duties include attending various Town of Mooresville events, including Bands, Brews & BBQ in September. Reya also plans to attend non-Town sponsored events and gatherings throughout the next year as well as visit Town facilities to learn more about how Mooresville serves its residents and visitors. Reya and her owners encourage people to say hello if they see them.
Reya is Mooresville’s fourth Dog Mayor.
Previous Dog Mayors

In 2022, Buttercup was elected Dog Mayor.
Elmer served as Dog Mayor in 2023.
About the Mooresville Youth Council
The Mooresville Youth Council is a youth volunteer program that serves as a stepping stone for young individuals seeking to make a meaningful impact in their community. Rooted in community and driven by a shared passion for positive change, the organization provides a platform for active participation in local initiatives and a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the town.