Special to IFN
N.C. Senator Vickie Sawyer announced Wednesday that the Committee to Elect Republican Women set a political fundraising record by more than doubling financial collections from previous fundraising cycles.
Sawyer, a Republican who represents Iredell County, praised her colleagues for their hard work.
“In addition to the funds Republican Women raise for their campaign accounts, their respective caucuses, the NCGOP and others, they were able to raise over $150,000 to assist women running for office,” she said.
Sawyer, who serves as Chair of the Republican Women’s Caucus for the N.C. General Assembly, praised female lawmakers who came before her for paving the way.
“Our previous chair, Rep. Julie Howard, worked hard to lay the groundwork for what we accomplished this year,” Sawyer said. “She has been the driving force to lay the foundation and put the framework in place that we enjoy today. But for her efforts we would not have achieved this lofty goal.”
While expressing her appreciation for all of the GOP lawmakers, she singled out three of her colleagues.
“I would like to offer a special thank you to Rep. Erin Pare (R-Wake), Rep. Jennifer Balkcom (R-Henderson), and Rep. Celeste Cairns (R–Carteret),” Sawyer said. “These three members joined me to form the fundraising executive committee. They worked tirelessly to help successfully execute our fundraising plan to support Republican women running for office, and we are thankful for their leadership in the North Carolina General Assembly.”
Sawyer, who also serves as co-chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, was an outspoken advocate in the Senate for the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, calling it “common-sense legislation supported by reasonable people who represent the majority of North Carolina voters, regardless of their party affiliation.”
Pay to play! Ask Jim Black how that all worked out.