Three suspects have been charged with arson in connection with a house fire in which a Statesville resident suffered severe burns.

Following an investigation by the Statesville Police Department and Statesville Fire Department, investigators identified Oscar Humberto Bernal-Ardon, 33, Rudy Ardon Santos, 33, and Oscar Armando Larin, 45, all of Statesville, as suspects, according to an SPD news release.
All three men were apprehended on November 1 in Dallas, Texas. They have since been extradited to Iredell County, where they are being held in the Iredell County Detention Center.
They are charged with setting a house fire that occurred in the early morning hours of October 14 at 520 Bond Street.
Around 4:11 a.m. on that date, SFD personnel responded to the blaze. Miladis T. Bonilla-Alarcon, a resident of the home, suffered severe burns and was transported to Atrium Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center for treatment.
According to investigators, Alarcon’s boyfriend, Elvin Ivan Ardon Santos, awoke to the smell of gas and discovered the home engulfed in flames on October 14. Although he escaped to seek help, he quickly realized that Alarcon was still trapped inside. He broke a bedroom window to rescue her after fire blocked the main entrance, police said.
Following their arrests, Oscar Humberto Bernal-Ardon was issued a $250,000 bond. Rudy Ardon Santos received a $100,000 bond, while Oscar Armando Larin is being held without bond.
Each suspect faces two counts of first-degree arson.
If you have any information related to this case, please contact the Statesville Police Department at 704-878-3406.
CORRECTION: The headline in an earlier version of this article incorrectly reported the location of the fire.