In addition to approving the first reading of the rezoning and annexation request for the nearly 1,400-home Nabors Road housing development at Monday’s council meeting,  the Statesville City Council also approved a rezoning request for a residential development off Whites Mill Road.

The Whites Mill Road developer requested that nearly 56 acres, now zoned for Heavy Industrial, be rezoned for High Density Single Family Residential Conditional Zoning. The land, located along the Shelton Avenue Corridor in South Statesville, has a concept plan that calls for 170 to 190 single-family homes.

The city council approved the rezoning request in spite of council member Steve Johnson’s warnings about the recent surge in residential development in the city.

“I love Statesville and being a part of this community,” Johnson explained. “But we do not have a strategic plan for economic development.”

In light of the residential development along the Interstate 77 corridor, Johnson said he believes that the city is headed for trouble if the council does not balance residential development with the city’s economic development.

“There is a difference between growth and economic growth,” he said. “With growth, you get rooftops and retail restaurants and those come with low-paying jobs. With economic growth, you are inviting investment in capital and industry and people with good paying jobs that are able to pay for consumables and contribute to the overall economic health of the area. That’s my concern about not having the right governance here.”


In other business:

♦ City Manager Ron Smith updated the council on the progress of the new Municipal Building and Regional Airport Terminal construction projects and presented the council with a concept drawing of the proposed Police Department expansion.

“We are definitely on schedule with these building projects,” Smith explained. “We are hoping the Municipal Building will be completed soon. We are making progress on the garage and footings are being poured for the new airport terminal.”

♦ Smith also congratulated the Finance Department for winning the Government Finance Officer Association Award for last year’s Comprehensive Financial Reports.

“It is more commonly larger communities that get this award this often, especially considering we have a new finance director who is short-handed,” Smith explained. “Well done to the finance team.”


The council will hold a pre-agenda meeting on Thursday, October 3, at 4 p.m., with the first October City Council meeting being held Monday, October 7, at 6 p.m.

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