Two Statesville City Council members who were offended by comments that Councilman Steve Johnson made during last Monday’s council meeting are demanding he apologize for the remarks.

At the May 6 meeting, Johnson told council members that continuing to approve large residential developments would result in an influx of new residents, which he did not view as a positive outcome.
“No disrespect,” Johnson told his colleagues. “You’re going to fill this room up with people whose last name looks like an eye test, who have no affiliation with Statesville. And you’re going to try to rezone something for a good business that’s going to create jobs and tax base — they’re going to burn this place down. They’re not going to have it.”

Council members Doris Allison, Lisa Pearson and Kim Wasson have condemned those remarks as insensitive and xenophobic.
Allison, who represents Ward 3, immediately took offense with Johnson’s remarks, calling them disrespectful during the meeting.
“That’s not right. I am a council person and I will not tolerate that,” she said. “And I will not be a part of that.”
In an interview, Pearson, who represents Ward 6, said Johnson’s inference that newcomers from different cultural backgrounds would automatically resort to violence if they do not get their way was offensive.

“I’m not going to sit there and allow that,” she said. “We’ve come too far for that. We’re trying to change the perception of Statesville.”
Johnson should apologize or expect a censure motion, Pearson said.
“He said it so I think he needs to apologize for it,” she said. “If he does not apologize, that’s when the censure should be put in place. You need to make it right and personally apologize.”
Wasson, meanwhile, said Johnson crossed the line with what she called “an incredibly derogatory comment” about people moving to the area.

“Council members sign a Code of Ethics,” the at-large councilwoman said in a statement, “and I feel he violated that code. I want him to publicly apologize at our next council meeting.
“As a public official you should hold yourself to a higher standard,” Wasson added. “We should respect our current and future residents. Racism has no place on our council. I was embarrassed and appalled. Our council and city should be a safe and welcoming place for all. We have to stand against this kind of rhetoric on our board. I want everyone in our community to feel welcome and not be fearful when they come to live or do business in Statesville.”
An at-large councilman who previously served on the Iredell County Board of Commissioners, Johnson said in an interview that he has no plans to apologize.
“They can view it however they want to. I’ll tell you what’s not going to happen: Steve Johnson is not going to be the next victim of the cancel culture,” he said. “I’m going to express myself the way I want to because I have the right to freedom of speech. If you don’t like it, then be offended.”
In response to criticism from his colleagues, however, Johnson said he did not mean to imply that any particular racial or ethnic group would resort to violence. And he stressed that he was speaking figuratively when he said newcomers would “burn this place down” during his comments at the council meeting.
“I probably could have said that better,” he said.
Johnson said his intent was to stress the importance of protecting land for commercial and industrial development so children who are born and raised in Statesville will have an opportunity to land high-paying jobs in their hometown. If the council chases and approves every residential development, there will be no land left for job-creating industrial development.
“Do we want 50 vinyl villages around here on a slab?” he said. “Is that really the development we want?”
Johnson reiterated that he will not apologize for speaking his mind.
“I am not going to knuckle to that mentality. I’m not going to do it,” Johnson explained. “I’ve seen people do it over and over and over again. That’s not going to happen with this guy.
“If they want to censure me, get on with it. Go ahead. We’ve got work to do.”
Statesville council as well as the Board of Commissioners need to take note that the voting public does not want unabated building, especially without improving infrastructure. We like rural Iredell and would like to see it remain that way.
I totally agree with you.
Mr. Johnson spoke the truth. Some people can’t handle the truth.
I agree with him. Sometimes you got to say no.
One doesn’t have to read all the comments here to determine what kind of people vote for people like Steve Johnson. What he said was wrong, and he knows it was wrong.
And Rick Brewer, where was your god when all these things happened that require “healing our nation?” Let me guess, mysterious ways huh?
This is the land of the free. We don’t have to bow down to your god, or any other god, for that matter.
Republicans can’t govern. They aren’t capable of it.
Well stated, “This land is my land, this land is your land, this land belongs to me and you, not only Mr. Johnson.”
As a reformed Democrat, I must say the day God invaded my space and opened my eyes to the error of my ways over 30 years ago was very traumatic but in the best possible way! He showed me my true state and I was sorely ashamed of myself and I can only pray God is merciful and does the same for you.
I have known Steve Johnson for 38 years and I will personally vouch for his honesty and integrity in everything he sets his hand to do and I have NO DOUBT when he stands in judgment before his Creator at the Seat of Christ he will hear his Lord say “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Anyone who votes Democrat after the party at the Charlotte convention threw God off its platform and began openly supporting the murder of innocent helpless defenseless babies in their mothers womb before they could even draw a breath of life-giving air and support the immoral vile disgusting sexual acts against God’s natural order of procreation of the alphabet queers and the full on rebellion of gender pretenders against their Creator along with the support of millions of illegal alien invaders just to gain enough votes to remain in tyrannical power over the natural born and legally naturalized citizens is abhorrent and deserving of the chamber in hell awaiting their arrival!
I would like to inform you reprobates that this increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity is hell in the core of earth enlarging itself in order to accommodate ALL YOU rebellious fools who are going there!
Amen and well said
That’s so freaking funny. What’s your next one? You seem big mad. Thought Christians were filled with joy. What a joke, dude. Join the rest of us in reality. You actually were able to hit all the phobias and bigotries in one single comment! Does that win you a pair of ugly gold shoes from the felon in charge of Idiocracy? You are very judgy too. Hope you are ready to be judged with the measure in which you judge as your Bible said. You are going to be remembered poorly in history for those comments that will always be available for your decedents to be embarrassed about. Showing yourself as a hateful bigot should have no place in a discussion about city development.
How are the Democrats governing in places like NYC, Chicago and San Francisco right now? Overrun with illegal migrants, homelessness, inflation, etc. We don’t want that crap here.
What a joke! Let me just tell you that you, and the liberal agenda you are obviously trying to push is the only problem we have here in our community. You don’t like Republicans governing, then move to the Raleigh, Charlotte, or Asheville liberal zones and be happy there.
Mr. Johnson has more integrity in his pinky finger than you or any of the other members sitting on the Statesville City Council. When did Americans become a bunch of pansies? Put on your big boy pants and suck it up. We don’t need to be “politically correct” with everything we say and do here in America because we have FREEDOM OF SPEECH, and I don’t recall reading any part of that amendment that says we have to sugar coat what we want to say just to please the people around us.
Steve Johnson is right. If those people get offended, it’s just too bad. He’s not there to make those cry babies happy and he has the right to his opinion.
The FACT he is right is not unnoticed. It’s happening throughout the county. One or two ‘important ‘ folks get their paid puppets to do their bidding, punish 1000s of others. I live in the country, NO DESIRE to live in the city, much less Statesville.
The City of Statesville is darn lucky to have a Steve Johnson. He is one of the few that have ever served that understand economics and government.
Kudos to Mr. Johnson for not apologizing!
I don’t believe Mr Johnson was the first to use the term “those people.” Then again, I could be wrong. Maybe you should view that meeting and decide for yourselves.
And that is why I love & respect Mr. Johnson!!
Steve Johnson speaks the truth! These women can’t handle the truth!
Be mindful of who you elect to city council. Do you want people with an economic background who will speak the truth or those who have no background in any type of leadership?
I don’t live in Statesville, but I totally agree with Steve Johnson. Don’t let anyone shut you up. That’s what all Democrats want is to kill our free speech. One thing for sure is they will never shut up so why should we. Stay strong, Mr. Johnson. You have every right to say what you believe is the truth and otherwise.
Believe me, those of us Sherrills Ford citizens are getting sick of the same damn thing. Apartment complexes are going up everywhere. It’s an eyesore. Elderly people pass on and their kids sell the land to developers for the money and it’s happened way to many times over here. The population has gotten so thick here Verizon is overwhelmed and the service signal is very low.
These council members keep approving developments for the tax revenue not thinking about the burden and load on all utilities, roads and bridges.
Slow down and let other communities take a shot at building new homes.
Steve Johnson is 100% correct. Some people just want to stir up ethnic stuff every time. He didn’t mention anything ethnic. Get over it, ladies, and do your job as to what is best for Statesville and not try to make a statement at Statesville’s expense.
“You’re going to fill this room up with people whose last name looks like an eye test…” Danny boy, can you explain this statement to the class? Oh, no? Again, another failed member of our educational system…
The truth hurts some people but he’s right. Statesville has more pressing issues than your hurt feelings so get to work and do your jobs.
Everyone complains about affordable housing, but Statesville Housing Authority is building a skateboard park. Go figure.
I totally agree with Mr. Johnson. I grew up in Charlotte and in my old neighborhood there are very few residents that even speak English. I live here because I love the rural lifestyle. I would hate to see this area become another Charlotte or Mooresville. Also, with more growth comes more crime. Leave this area as it is!
Steve Johnson has led Iredell County in the right direction for many years by making good decisions relative to our county’s best interest. He has a proven history of great leadership and would never purposely offend anyone with his opinions. I totally agree with him and fully understand where he is coming from with his statements. Industrial development would benefit our county more than residential development. Don’t think we would have enough schools or jobs to accommodate these additional housing projects. God Bless you, Steve Johnson, and God heal our Nation.
Mr. Johnson understands exactly what he said…and I quote “I probably could have said that better,” he said. Then he doubles down with this quote ” Steve Johnson is not going to be the next victim of the cancel culture,” he said. “I’m going to express myself the way I want to because I have the right to freedom of speech. If you don’t like it, then be offended.” If Mr. Johnson has violated the City’s “Council Code of Ethics,” then appropriate action needs to be taken by the City Council members. There is an expectation and obligation of each elected City Council member to respect and abide by Council Code of Ethics when conducting the public (not personal) business of ALL City of Statesville citizens they represent.
I agree that Steve Johnson should not apologize. He only spoke the truth. This cancel culture has got to stop. Nip it in the bud!
I bought a house here in July 2023, after seeing the infrastructure that preceded what I saw as growth, expansion of business opportunities, new homes and homeowners. All of which can occur with proper plans. Not with insulting comments.
I moved here from what was one of the top counties in the US throughout the 90’s and far into the 2000’s, for a more laid back neighborly atmosphere and less dense area for my grandson to grow up in.
Please don’t tell me I was wrong about what I saw as a friendly, diverse and inclusive neighborhood.
Perhaps Johnson received the same bogus calls I have about buying my home (that’s not for sale) from individuals that should never have had my number. Don’t be afraid, as I’ve told toddlers in my family. Learn, what you don’t know, because fear comes solely from not knowing.
Public/private partnership can work provided private business/corporations aren’t ‘Handed the key to the city’.
That’s just called responsible government.
I wish the council well and for Mr. Johnson to learn his way past his fears.
Dearest Glen: Yes. You were wrong and please tell all the others.
This man should apologize! Racist remarks about certain people moving into the area shouldn’t be tolerated. Sure it is racism; he plainly mentioned people with names that will look like an eye test. These ladies are doing right to stand against his remarks. Was he against all these other houses and apartments that were being built in other areas in Statesville? Why doesn’t he do something or vote about having the mall area demolished? I guess he doesn’t see that big eyesore, does he? They don’t want growth for Statesville. They just want it to stay the same.
“Pammy” , please. I know you don’t really believe that city council can vote to demolish the mall.
Come on Pammy I know you are smarter than that.
Even Doris. Kim, and Lisa are smart enough to know they can’t vote to rear down the mall!
Nothing he said was racist. The ones he wants to keep out is developers; only when we are so overcrowded that a simple trip to the grocery store, or just to go out to eat takes you 3 hours round trip because our roads and facilities cant handle the traffic will ya’ll understand what Mr. Johnson is trying to say! Proud to have at least one politician in this county that is willing to say what needs to be said. Steve Johnson is a Hometown hero!
Which race has names that look like an eye test? How about Russian last names? Serbian? Bosnian? Finnish? Dutch? YOU ASSUME that he’s talking about brown people because of your bias.
WOW! It’s unanimous! We all stand behind Steve Johnson. Apparently Kim Wasson and Lisa Pearson truly think that the people of Iredell County and the surrounding areas would support their way of horrible way of thinking. Nope, we are tired of this nonsense and the continued attempts to silence the majority of Americans. We don’t want to become just like Charlotte. They have plenty of issues and traffic and a mess of a mass-transit/light-rail system due to poor planning! Keep up the great work, Mr. Johnson, and don’t give in to Wasson and Pearson.
Steve Johnson has forgotten more about governing and what’s best for the hard working citizens than the rest of the council will ever know.
I agree with Mr. Johnson. If you want problems with traffic and all the people that will live there just drive to Mooresville and look at what you will have.
Steve Johnson is a straight shooter. I agree 100% with him. You have to plan for what you get. Look at Mooresville. It is ruined like Lake Norman because the planning board approved every project offered.
A lot of public servants have a quiver of clichés they can’t help but use from time to time. Most of these come from what they have heard from others. Some from TV shows or movies. What comes to mind as they store some inane phrase away in the back of their brain is that “I might use that someday”. Remember what Forest’s Mom used to say.
Just what in hell are you inferring with that innate nonsensical word salad? I strongly suspect you are another godless woke liberal.
While I agree with the gist of his statement, the “names like an eye test” is racist and xenophobic.
Councilman Johnson is correct. It does not take a rocket scientist to predict what will happen to Statesville with all of this uncontrolled growth. He speaks the truth and I am finally glad to hear of a representative that is really trying to serve this communities future by being outspoken on national current trends. My thanks to Councilman Johnson. M. L. White
I think Mr. Johnson is right. Our roads can’t handle no more of this traffic and we do not need more developments. And NO, there is nothing to apologize for. THANK YOU MR JOHNSON!
Stand your ground Mr Johnson. You only said what 95% of the population are thinking but are afraid to express it because of the cancel culture. There was nothing racist about anything he said. People better wake up. Look at the names running our country. What happened to the Smiths and Browns? Nowadays you can’t even begin to say their names. They are ripping our country apart from the inside out. If you need us, we will be standing with you at the next meeting. Maybe we will censure the Cancel culture!
Gee, Mr. Johnson, way to denigrate and slam everyone with a vinyl sided and slab-built house. Of course, once you start making blanket statements about people with names spelled in ways you don’t like, it isn’t difficult to move on to criticizing their houses or their clothing or their preferred foods or even their race. Perhaps signs should installed at the city limits, in all directions, telling folks to turn around unless their names, etc. are pre-approved by Mr. Johnson. As for the good-paying jobs that should be reserved for “native Statesvillians” but will, instead, be taken by these “unspellably” named folks, the current unemployment rate in Iredell County is 3.5% which means practically any qualified person seeking gainful employment most likely has it. Furthermore, any reputable firm looking for a place to build a facility that will employ lots of people seeks a place with potential employees with the right qualifications, a good educational system, decent housing, and lots & lots of years of incentivized tax rates. I have yet to hear of one that makes its selection based on what you consider a “spellable” name.
I am 100% on board with everything Mr. Johnson has said.
This attempt at character assassination is, in itself, unethical. He made no mention or insinuation of race. None. Rather than have a deep, personal conversation with him to reach an understanding ’for the greater good,’ others having chosen to slander with the intent of damaging his reputation, credibility, and integrity. It’s a low and lazy strategy. And in no way, shape, or form ‘for the greater good.’
Stay strong, Mr. Johnson. Drama has no place in true governance.
Steve Johnson seems to have forgotten history. We are all immigrants here in this country. He seems like a short-sighted and racist fool who would rather Statesville be left in the past than have it build towards a more prosperous future. He doesn’t want residents of a particular background or ethnicity here? Let me play him the world’s smallest violin. We will see him at the polls and have his shortsightedness voted OUT. How about that for free speech? Bravo to those brave women speaking up against him and doing what is right. Sad to see so many others who post here are okay with that sort of speech. And you say you are religious people? God have Mercy on you.
Of course. Let’s just ignore the truth of his statement against this out of control residential development because someone said something that may be offensive. As it stands I find the other members consistently voting in the interest of these developers over their constituents much more offensive. We’ve already got a mud slinging match that has drug on forever just to get one school built and now the Statesville council has approved and annexed land for enough dev to fill another. It’s like Statesville and Troutman are in a match to find out who can be more out of control.
If that was his only intention there are a 1001 ways to say that without demeaning anyone with a last name that looks like an eye test. Come on now. I don’t think anyone is arguing against the fact that more infrastructure is necessary to compliment these neighborhoods. Two separate issues here. Be better.
At no point did I say it was an appropriate turn of phrase. My point is that the message itself is being ignored because people would rather focus on one singular part. Rather than having an honest discussion about how to handle growth and the desire for affordable housing we now have this complete waste of time that could have been handled by the council by simply censuring him and moving on. Same pointless mess that has hamstrung the school board. This insertion of politics into everything when it isn’t appropriate really is frustrating. Local government should only be concerned with what is both best for and desired by their constituency and inferring that $400k housing “affordable” is not fulfilling that. Make a fund to give local residents something for renovating and revitalizing older homes or some sort of break to help bring back the glut of older homes in the area to livable states. Something to assist those already here, not just a way to bring in more outside revenue.
The bigot just peeked out from behind the curtain!!!
The Council members opposing Steve Johnson’s comments need to worry more about their lack of knowledge regarding the basic understanding of how our tax structure works and how this revenue is collected and distributed. Their comments involving the pricing of the homes and affordability indicates their lack of understanding basic market economics. When a member has to ask what ETJ means, it shows that they are ill prepared to sit on a board to determine any zoning or land use issues. They need a whole lot of training to become qualified to make critical decisions for the taxpayers of Statesville. They should seek wise counsel and that wise counsel is actually sitting on their board and his name is Steve Johnson.
Thanks, Mr. Johnson. Living near the area for this outrageous new development, we are concerned about our quality of life. Your opinion is welcomed and again thank you for expressing what the local neighborhood and Statesville residents are concerned about.
There will always be someone out there looking for the smallest of phrase that can be construed as a racists word or statement. Stop it. That’s not doing anyone any good. Steve Johnson is a good man who is only looking out for what is best for the future of Statesville. He says what he means and I like that. These other ladies need to move on to another problem that they may have issue with. Thank you, Mr. Johnson, for doing your job and doing it well!
Well, the thing is people use words to communicate. So when people say things, they usually mean them/have some truth to it. Now when you say “Stop it”, should I ignore it like you want me to do with what Mr. Johnson was just quoted as saying. Or? Guess you have a last name that is pretty easy to spell. And hence why you aren’t offended. But overall your statement lacks insights and logic like so many people who have posted here today. But guess what? There can also be someone who knows what’s best for Statesville on the council who also isn’t racist or xenophobic. And surprise, it doesn’t have to be a minority either. Plenty of other Johnsons, Smiths and maybe even Combs who aren’t racist. Statesville’s growth does need to be regulated responsibly. We SHOULD be asking for more infrastructure along with these communities. More school, roads, and other civil services should not feel the need to be stretched thin due to poor decision making by the board. Maybe one day you’ll see there were two whole separate issues at hand here.
While Mr. Johnson made an EXTREMELY racist comment that I 100% do not condone nor agree with and VEHEMENTLY abhor, the sentiment that we enjoy a “rural Statesville” is correct. I mean, minus the lack of eating options and maybe a few more retail locations, do we really want our small town flooded with more people?
The statement about the jobs available to the local homegrown community is valid as well. Some of these young men and women will depend on the jobs from Toter, Kewaunee, Pratt, JC Penny, Auto Auction, Grouchos, Logans, Cracker Barrell, Food Lion, Ingles…. With an influx of new people the 10-12 year olds today won’t be able to have those jobs or those jobs will be scarce based on the people that will move in and inevitably take some of those jobs.
Not to mention the additional strain on an already crowded traffic situation on ALL of our major throughways.
His comment is trash. But we don’t need more houses and people in Statesville. It’s enough of a bedroom community as it is with out adding to it and making it a full-fledged commuter town.
I do not live in Statesville, but do work here. Like a previous commenter, I live in the Sherrills Ford/Terrell area of Catawba county. I sure do wish a man like Steve Johnson was on the Catawba County board of commissioners! Explosive development is ruining my home community. I hope the same doesn’t happen to Statesville. Bravo, Steve!
Geez…the pattern is always the same:
Right-winger says something ignorant, inappropriate, or foolish.
Gets rightly called out for it.
Immediately cries foul with the usual “cancel culture”, “my rights”, etc.
Everyone jumps on the echo chamber bandwagon adding “liberals”, “Democrats”, “immigrants”, etc.
Now if someone here can mention “border crisis” or “no Ukraine”, I’m pretty sure I’ve scored bingo on my right-wing BS card today!
Oh, and I’ve been a Statesville resident for decades…
Mr. Johnson should absolutely apologize, clarify what he actually meant, and apologize for the wording that could be interpreted so negatively. If by using the phrase, “burn this place down” he means that energetic, enthusiastic people will be active in our community, then that’s exactly what we need! — new blood, who will contribute and work to grow our community. So, what do last names different than most native Statesvillians have to do with the price of eggs in China?
Even were Mr. Johnson to “apologize” (quotes intended), it remains that his comments are both transparently racist and xenophobic as, I deduce, is he. Statesville could use a great deal more of the people whom he fears. Apology or not, his views are insupportable and inexcusable.
Good on him. He may have worded it poorly, but point remains. The whole East Coast is turning that way. My college years, 20 years ago, you could get a 3-bedroom condo in Raleigh for $80k. Good luck with that now. Heck, Fredericksburg and Stafford, Va., are the result of allowing all that building without the infrastructure to accommodate all those new homes and people coming in. In the 90’s there, you could drive about 30 miles in 20-25 min. Now, that same 20-25 min gets you 5-8 miles. Fix what’s there, and quit taking down trees for these mini mansion, no yard, cookie cutter houses, and ridiculous apartments. It’ll be better for the town, and keep it’s charm.
You will not find a finer man than Steve Johnson. He’s been at this a long time and has probably forgot more than these other folks know. He never has been a racial person and I personally don’t see anything he said that was racist so keep on being the person you have always been, Brother Steve, and thanks for looking out for the best interests of Iredell County.
Well said. Steve is a good man. I dread seeing what Statesville will become in the next few years.
Damn right we want Statesville to stay the way it is. I’d rather it be like it was when I grew up in it. This is a small town, and that’s the way we like it. We won’t put up with a bunch of crap like this. I absolutely agree with Steve Johnson. Everyone else who doesn’t want to see all the fields and trees disappear for more concrete had better step up and do something.
“When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” – Maya Angelou
Mr. Johnson just told the truth. No apology needed. Try to drive through Troutman during most any day.
Basically, they want Statesville to remain majority WHITE. Good riddance, Statesville/Iredell! I will be sure to spread the word about how people are treated here, still living in slavery and how bad the ruling class needs to be educated on how far we’ve come. Statesville, a place that caters to its own the Good Ole Boys.
Wow, as I retired military member, I have often thought of moving back home. But Statesville has very closed-minded thinking on the city council and in leadership around the city. Every time I visit home, I can see that this small-minded vision for the future of the city has certainly hindered the city in it’s growth. I think they will continue to struggle with growth until you get new thinking on the board, not just along political lines. People should be able to say when people are wrong and Mr. Johnson was and is. It’s one-sided thinking like his views and many of his supporters that keep Statesville lagging in growth and I can see that’s still okay for a lot of the citizens. In my travels I’ve seen cities grow and still keep their identity, but so many think Statesville doesn’t need to change. Statesville should be thriving and inviting for all not just some. Maybe if some of the views could grow, then the city might do the same in a positive direction for all — and not just a select few.
The notion of measured growth in both commercial and residential development isn’t small minded. It’s the right thing to do as it has been shown consistently that residential dev is a net negative to tax revenue as more government services are used versus commercial/industrial dev. Small minded would be letting Statesville turn into just another suburb for Mecklenburg by filling it with nothing but residential without any jobs to support those living here. Statesville certainly has its issues, and yes, many of them are due to the handful of players with money and land who don’t care about the eyesores they leave as long as they get theirs, but just approving every monster neighborhood that comes to the table isn’t the way to correct it. Especially considering the price of these homes in comparison to what the average citizen takes home. These aren’t homes for locals.
James! You put the icing on the cake. Thank you very much for telling the truth and nothing but truth.
When America was great, we had leaders who inspired us to be better people. They not only made decisions for the greater good who lifted us all up but they had good vocabularies and speaking skills. They took the high road and followed Jesus’ teachings of loving God and loving one another. Calling names and making fun of people was beneath them and we held them to a higher standard. That’s how you make America and your community better again. Don’t elect anyone who can’t inspire you to be a better person through their leadership.
Thank you to Steve Johnson for using a common sense approach to government and not caving in to the cancel culture crowd.
A display of bigotry on the City Council is disappointing, but not surprising. If Johnson is certainly allowed “free speech,” but when free speech is deliberately offensive to the people a public servant claims to serve, an apology is in order. Or a resignation.