Special to IFN

Members of Statesville Elks Lodge #1823 observed Flag Day by personally thanking a few local businesses for proudly flying the American flag, which for many symbolizes sacrifice and freedom.

The following businesses were recognized: DENSO, C.W. Williams, NC Auto Repair, Piedmont HealthCare, Ol Bob’s BBQ & Catering, HEXPOL and Kontane.

In 1907, Elks members adopted a resolution designating June 14 as Flag Day. In 1911 the Grand Lodge mandated that all local Lodges observe Flag Day with appropriate ceremonies, making the Elks the first national fraternal organization to require the observance of Flag Day.

On August 3, 1949, President Harry S Truman, himself a member of the Elks, permanently designated June 14 as Flag Day by signing an Act of Congress.
