Special to IFN

A group of Statesville balloon pilots and their crews will host a drive-thru holiday balloon glow at the Statesville Soccer Complex on Saturday, December 14.

The free event starts at 5:30 p.m. and runs until 6:30 p.m. 

Eight to 10 pilots and crew are donating their time and expertise to give back to the community during this special time of year.

In lieu of any admission costs, organizers request that guests donate non-perishable food and personal hygiene items for Iredell Christian Ministry. Volunteers will be on hand to collect your donations as you drive through the park.

As with any hot air balloon activity, the glow will be weather dependant. In the event that the weather does not cooperate, a back-up date has been reserved for Saturday, December 21, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

The Statesville Soccer Complex is located at 2012 Simonton Road in Statesville.