Special to IFN

The Statesville Woman’s Club is collecting new toys for the Statesville Police Department’s annual Christmas Toy Drive.

The next club meeting will be held on Thursday, December 5, at the historic clubhouse located at 515 West End Avenue.

The first half hour will be a time of social fellowship with a potluck meal at 6 p.m. Reservations are requested for an adequate head count by Sunday, December 1, at 6 p.m. by contacting 704-450-4122 to RSVP. All members, guests and interested women are invited to attend.

There will also be special guest entertainment by Diana Fox (aka “Miss Eufola”), a mature Southern lady with an old-fashioned wit and sense of humor. She will share her insights about living in the South. 

SPD Toy Drive

The project focus for December will be collecting unwrapped toys to help children in need in the community this Christmas. Toys for any age accepted; however, toys for tweens and teens are especially needed (value up to $20). Gifts are requested to be brought to the clubhouse at the December meeting but will be accepted through Friday, December 13. This is part of the club partnering once again with Statesville Police Department for their annual Christmas Toy Drive. Help make a difference in our community by spreading holiday cheer to families in need.  For gift suggestions, visit their Amazon wish list at www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3ORL5FF96YW9Y?ref_=list_d_wl_lfu_nav_1


For information about renting the GFWC of NC Statesville Woman’s Club’s Clubhouse for your meeting or event, email the club at Statesvillewomansclub@gmail.com or call 704-761-8208. The club website is www.statesvillewomansclub.org. For details on joining the GFWC of NC Statesville Woman’s Club, please contact Membership Team member Joanna Gaither at 704-873-2684.