Special to Iredell Free News
Peyton Barrows, literacy program coordinator for the Iredell County Partnership for Young Children (ICPYC), was the guest speaker at the April meeting of the Statesville Woman’s Club.
Barrows discussed how the nonprofit helps children from birth to age 5 with quality early childhood education, which includes such programs as Dolly Parton Imagination Library that has reached 5,715 children in Iredell County. A new venture for ICPYC is the Book Worm Vending Machine, as well as “Loads of Literature.” This initiative involves placing community book stands at 13 sites across the county, including laundry mats, the Department of Social Services, pediatrician’s offices and other locations that families with young children frequent.
She also shared the motto ICPYC likes to emphasize the saying, “No app to replace a lap,” meaning that reading a book with children is more important than using apps on smart phones, iPads or tablets.
The Woman’s Club’s Education and Environment Community Service Team is joining with ICPYC to get as many books as possible in the hands of parents and young children in our community. The club is collecting new or “like new – very, very gently used” board books, picture books and Imagination Library books through April 30. Please bring and place books (sealed in plastic bags to protect from moisture) in the blue donation bin on the front porch of the clubhouse.
Save the Forest and Oceans
The Education and Environment CST is also collecting used natural wine corks to help conserve forests and oceans. For every natural wine cork the club sends to the CorkClub initiative funded by WidgetCo, Inc. they will donate two cents to forest and ocean conservation. Please give your corks to any club member or contact the club.
Child Abuse Prevention Awareness
To bring awareness to April being Prevent Child Abuse Month, “Pinwheels for Prevention” have been displayed in the club’s front lawn. The pinwheel garden is in conjunction with the efforts of Pharos Parenting. Pinwheels represent the happy, carefree childhood we want for every child. Join us and let’s take a stand against child abuse! Pharos Parenting helps parents learn effective parenting skills, develop confidence in those skills and create stronger families.
Next Meeting
The next club meeting will be Sunday, May 5, at 3 p.m. Attendees will enjoy a “College Shower” for the club’s Sallie Southall Cotten Scholarship winner, South Iredell High School senior Natalie Nunez. Natalie is from Statesville and is the daughter of Juan and Maria Nunez. All members, guests and interested women are invited to attend.
For information about renting the Statesville Woman’s Club’s Clubhouse for your meeting or event, email the club at Statesvillewomansclub@gmail.com or call 704-761-8208. The club website is www.statesvillewomansclub.org. For details on joining the GFWC of NC Statesville Woman’s Club, contact Membership Team member Joanna Gaither at 704-873-2684.