The Fellowship of Christian Athletes held its annual Courts For Christ rally at South Iredell Wednesday night.

The countywide event included snacks and giveaways, worship music, hoops competitions, scripture recitation, student testimonies, a coach testimonial, a skit and prayer.

The gym was packed with students, teachers, preachers, parents, and others who came to hear the personal testimonies of God’s grace and goodness.

After the basketball fun, the mood became more serious, and between music and testimonials, God’s love was shared.

North Iredell High student Erika Bullard spoke about how when oysters have parasites, pearls are made, comparing how Jesus uses bad things in our lives for our good too.

“Pray to God to reveal your sin and look for Him in every situation,” she said.

Troutman Middle School student Mallory Watson said Jesus is her best friend and helps her make it through tough times.

North Iredell High School student Ella Webb shared her struggle with stress and anxiety. She said that even when she was struggling God was there wanting a personal relationship with her.

“God calls us by our names, not our sin,” she said.

Jacob Seyler-Schmidt, a South Iredell High student, said he didn’t know Christ growing up, but he does now.

He struggled with drinking and did not know how to stop.

On July 11, 2022, Seyler-Schmidt gave his life to the Lord.

“You can be a million steps away, but all it takes is one step to get with Jesus Christ,” he shared.

Peyton Stewart, another South Iredell student, agreed and spoke about the peace God brings during times of strife.

“Peace isn’t the absence of conflict, but calm while going through it,” she said. “We are never alone. We have a God that loves us no matter what.”

Several others spoke, including North Iredell High Coach Brandon Jolly, who offered guidance.

“Every choice has a consequence, usually the wrong choice is easy and the right thing is hard,” Jolly said. “God will take care of you if you continue to make the right choices.”

The event ended with more worship music and invitations to accept Jesus Christ. 


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