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The Town of Mooresville has received soil sample results from the Reed Creek Park property. The results show levels of Radium 226 + 228 are well within natural background levels.

During public comment at the August 5 Board of Commissioners Meeting, town staff received a letter dated July 24 written to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the Earthjustice and Southern Environmental Law Center. The groups requested an investigation into coal ash on the Reed Creek Park property owned by the Town of Mooresville.

Town staff collected four different soil samples spanning the entire Reed Creek Park property and sent the samples to a certified testing laboratory to test the levels of Radium 226 + 228 found in the stream and stream bank.

Town staff collected the samples on August 14 and received the results of the testing on September 16.

The Town of Mooresville is pleased to report that after evaluating the results with members of the EPA, the levels of Radium 226 +228 were well within natural background levels for Radium (<5.0 pCi/g).

Th town’s goal is to give the public a level of comfort that town properties are safe to be used and enjoyed by all citizens. The Town will continue to investigate any allegations of contamination on town properties with appropriate local, state, and federal agencies to ensure all requirements are met.

“We continue to work in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the regulating agencies of coal ash, and Iredell County Health Department to disseminate information,” town officials said in a news release.

Reed Creek Park Property Map

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