Town Manager Ron Wyatt presented the proposed 2024-2025 Town of Troutman budget to the Town Council during its June meeting, noting the process is a stressful time for department heads, who must review past, current, and future needs when determining budget requests.

Wyatt said that the staff also looked at “wish lists” from the community to improve citizens’ quality of life, such as increasing park amenities, adding more greenways, and ensuring the town has adequate staff to serve town residents.

Echoing former U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, Wyatt said that “a budget is not just a collection of numbers, but an expression of our values and aspirations.”

“I am pleased to work with such an awesome group of employees that understand the small-town way of life. They also understand that we are a growing town. They wear multiple hats, doing more than their assigned jobs duties, to ensure Troutman is the best place to live, work, and play,” he added.

Finance Director Justin Mundy has conservatively estimated the town’s revenues for the upcoming fiscal year at $11,467,247 by . Expected water and sewer revenue is $6,623,440, for a total budget of $18,909,687. The ad valorem tax rate would remain 50 cents per $100 in valuation.

Saying there are no “hidden items,” Wyatt presented a 2024-2025 budget with an increase of approximately 31 percent over last year. The general fund budget items are increasing about 26 percent, mostly due to an increase in personnel in the police, parks and recreation, and administration departments to keep up with growing town needs.

The utility fund budget is increasing approximately 42 percent with increased personnel to serve more customers, an increase in water rates and sewer expenditures, and increased costs for supplies and equipment to maintain the infrastructure and to meet customer demands. No increases in water or sewer rates are proposed.

Wyatt said the town continues to benefit from both residential and commercial growth and noted the town is catching up on street and parking lot repairs. Future streets coming under town control from new developments will require additional maintenance and repair costs.

To accommodate growing staff, particularly in the police department, Wyatt said this budget continues to plan for growth of town facilities. Some acquired properties will be used as staff space until a new Town Hall can be built and the current Town Hall is refurbished as the police department.

“Other properties were purchased so the town can revitalize the downtown area and be prepared for future growth,” following the Strategic Master Plan for that growth adopted in the 2017, added Wyatt.

“We are planning appropriately. This budget allows us to continue properly serving the citizens with as little cost as possible. More importantly, it is reflective of out team’s dedication to performing frugally and proficiently for each taxpayer. It also allows us to continue to prepare for our future needs,” the manager added.

After no public comment, the council passed the budget 4-0. Council member Jerry Oxsher was absent.


Jeremy Shaw, owner of Cedar Stump Pub, asked the council to approve either a sale or lease to the building’s owner for either .06 acres on which the pub’s outdoor stage stands or for a larger parcel behind the building that includes the stage.

Shaw and the previous owner of the town’s current passport office building and the adjoining lot discovered that Shaw’s business was encroaching on the property after a survey prior to its being listed for sale. A lease for the stage area was drawn up with the previous owner but was not executed before the property’s sale to the town.

Town staff also discovered that the back part of this property was zoned residential while the passport office area is zoned for business use. For Shaw to use the proposed leased property, it would have to be rezoned for business use.

Wyatt and council members also had concerns about insurance liability as well as the sale of alcohol on town-owned property that may violate town policy and the UDO, both of which would need to be addressed. Wyatt also noted that selling the property could interfere with the future redirection of Wagner Street and the proposed Lytton Street connection.

Town Attorney Gary Thomas suggested that Shaw immediately acquire a $2.5 million liability policy (currently at $2 million Shaw believed) and name the town as a protected entity to meet League of Municipalities suggestions. He also advised Shaw to get a survey of both sections that could be leased or sold, if council approves.

The council voted to accept Thomas’s suggestions and continue discussion of the matter in July after all parties gather more information.


Town Engineer Benjie Thomas of West Consultants presented the System Development Fee Analysis report, which is required by state statute. This plan estimates future water and sewer volumes to ensure the town is charging appropriate one-time system development fees for new construction customers.

This report or the development fees do not affect existing customers.

Using population estimates and looking at historical data, the engineer estimated an average growth rate of 325 new units coming into the water and sewer system per year in the 20-year horizon of the report.

Thomas also estimated that the town will add an additional 6,500 residential units over the next two decades, with a total of 2.2 million additional gallons of water per day required to meet the demand.

This increase was used to plan for and estimate the cost of capital improvements and treatment capacity purchases. New connection costs are expected significantly increase under this plan, available online HERE

The council approved the report 4-0.


May Employee of the Month

Public Works employee Jason Edwards was recognized as Town of Troutman Employee of the Month for May by Public Works Director Austin Waugh. Edwards was promoted to oversee the utility system’s 17 pump stations, all wastewater inspection documentation for the state, the sewer right of ways, and the town’s streets.

He has received new certifications and devised the idea to put the Town of Troutman logo on town-maintained streets to distinguish from those under NCDOT control.

“He has been an asset to the town, and we are very fortunate to have him,” said Waugh.

Recognition of Retiring Town Attorney

Gary Thomas, who has served as Troutman Town Attorney for 27 years, was recognized for his decades of service as he moves toward his retirement. He has agreed to stay on to advise the council until a replacement is hired.

“It’s hard to believe, after all these years, that we are saying goodbye to our trusted attorney,” said Mayor Teross Young. “His dedication and expertise has been invaluable to our community. We thank him for his years of service as our our attorney, dedicated to uphold justice and serve our town with integrity.”

“He’ll leave a lasting legacy, and we wish him the best in this new chapter of his life,” the mayor added. “His legal guidance and unwavering support have made a significant impact on our town.”

Young presented Thomas with a plaque and a paddle with the Troutman logo


The Town Council also approved:

♦ 2023-2024 Year-End Budget Amendments.

♦ A text amendment to allow 12-foot-tall multi-tenant shopping center monument signs.

♦ The façade for Smith Village Commercial Development.

♦ A request to waive fines for a UDO Violation at 152 Pine State Road.

♦ Annexation and rezoning to highway business of a parcel at 774 South Main Street.

♦ Annexation and rezoning to suburban residential of parcels at 466 and 470 E. Monbo Road.

♦  Suspension of the public hearing for a rezoning request for 13.55 acres located at 129 & 131 Shermill Lane from Town of Troutman Suburban Residential (RS) to Town of Troutman.

♦ Conditional Zoning-Mixed Residential (CZ-RM) to the July 11 council meeting.

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