Citing the citizens’ desire for U.S. Highway 21 south residential to be medium density in the town’s recent Future Land Use Map revision, the Troutman Planning and Zoning Board voted against recommending a conditional mixed-use rezoning to allow a 49-unit townhome development at the Shermill Lane intersection.

Eighty units with two-car garages were originally planned for the 13-acre site, but after speaking to former Town Planner Lynne Hair, developer Shawn Wilfong reworked his plan to include 49 1,700- to 2,400-square-foot units to achieve a density of 3.6 units per acre, closer to the two to three single-family homes currently allowed under the suburban residential zoning designation.

This drop in density would leave 55 percent of the property undeveloped, with plans for walking trails to be added in this area as an amenity for residents. Only 10 percent open space is required under the town’s Unified Development Ordinance.

Assistant Planner Andrew Ventresca said the requested mixed residential zoning can rise to 12 units per acre, but the conditional approval would hold developers to 3.62. He noted a perimeter buffer is planned around the property.

The area is transitioning to non-single-family residential uses, added Ventresca. The site is not in the watershed but would require stormwater measures.

Only one person came to the community meeting on the project on April 30, with no concerns raised.

“While the proposal exceeds the two to three units per acre recommendation and the homes are not detached single-family residential, the area up and along South Main Street has not been developing with single-family residences,” said Ventresca.

“The plan also calls for preservation of green space. The proposal shows 55 percent open space with units clustered. If the site was to develop at suburban residential, a max of 26 units would be permitted. However, it is likely much of the site would be clear cut as the open space in the RS District is only a 10 percent requirement.”

“With the above information, staff would recommend approval of the request,” said Ventresca.

Several neighbors spoke against the project, citing already heavy traffic and too much development already occurring in the area.

Board members questioned the lack of a turn lane, traffic impacts, and the lack of agreement with the Future Land Use Map, the creation of had extensive public input.

Karen Van Vliet made the motion to deny recommendation of the rezoning, with Darryl Hall seconding the motion.

“The community has clearly stated that they wish this area to be medium-density detached homes with no more than two to three units per acre,” Van Vliet said.

Van Vliet added the board has a duty to uphold what this community is asking for, and by doing that, reducing the amount of traffic and any impact on schools, which is always a concern. 

The motion to deny passed 4-0.


The board did approve recommendation of:

♦ William and Samantha Deal’s request to rezone two acres at 774 South Main Street from Iredell County residential agricultural to Troutman highway business.

♦ Gerardo Cruz’s Request to zone just over one acre located at 466 and 470 E. Monbo Road from Iredell County single-family residential conditional use to Troutman suburban residential. Cruz plans to ask for town annexation and zoning to get access to municipal water.

♦ A text amendment request to UDO Table 6.2.2 regulating multi-tenant monument signs made by Rite Lite Signs. This change would allow multi-tenant buildings of greater than 50,000 square feet to have monument roadside signs reach 12 feet in height. The sign limit is currently 10 feet high by 12 feet in width.

All four agenda items will go on to the Town Council for public hearings and final consideration on Thursday, June 13, at 7 p.m.