The Troutman Planning & Zoning Board has recommended a rezoning change for four acres off Hemi and Rumple streets to create a consistent zoning for a nine-acre residential development for 18 single-family homes.

Property owner Salih Boysan is also asking that this parcel be annexed into the town and zoned town residential to match his adjoining properties, which are included in the development. The zoning allows quarter-acre lots by right, and no site plan or traffic impact study Is required, according to Town Planner Lynne Hair, who recommended the zoning change.

Neighbor Todd Hauser expressed concerns about the number of homes and the single entrance planned for the proposed development, but Hair stated that any residential development under 100 homes requires only one entrance.

The board voted 5-1 to recommend the rezoning, with Mark Michel dissenting.


The zoning board also unanimously recommended a Unified Development Ordinance change, recommended by staff, that adds a new parking lot maintenance section that applies to both new and existing parking lots.

It requires that off-street parking areas be kept in good condition, including being free from potholes and keeping parking space lines or markings visible and distinct. This rule change would also apply to the ETJ areas of Troutman.

Both of these issues will be considered by the Troutman Town Council on March 14.


In updates, Hair told the board that the Autumn Leaf/Perth Road townhomes were approved by the council.

Hair also told the board the staff was looking at ways to use more conditional zoning options that will require traffic improvements as part of residential developments as they are rewriting the UDO.

The town is also actively seeking grant funding for specific road and intersection improvements.

The Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) Board recently awarded a $3,546,901 grant to Troutman for intersection improvements at US 21/NC 115 Main St and Murdock Road/Old Mountain Road.


The Planning & Zoning Board will undergo additional training during its March 25 meeting to clarify roles, rules, state statutes, and procedures to improve board functioning after some confusion at recent meetings. Town Attorney Gary Thomas will be present to answer legal questions.

Hair asked the board members to provide any topics they would like discussed at the training session.

Hair also informed the board that the council instituted a new policy that new Planning & Zoning Board members must be trained before taking a seat on the board.