Special to IFN

On Tuesday evening, Union Grove Elementary Principal Keeley Ward and her staff hosted a cookout to show their appreciation for the many community partners and volunteers that support the Union Grove Tigers throughout the year.

As Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

The Union Grove community is a perfect testament to this quote.

The Good News Club volunteers, PTO, parent volunteers, Dr. Eugene Shuffler, Union Grove Ruritans, and coaches help mold and shape our students to be well rounded.

“In the past four years, our Tigers have not only grown leadership skills through the many club and service opportunities provided, but they have also grown academically from the 30th percentile in proficiency to the 60th,” Ward said. “Union Grove Elementary now ranks third in science in the district.

“The Union Grove Tigers will continue to thrive! They grow at the Grove, thanks to the many helping hands supporting their vision,” she added.


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