Special to IFN

As 2024 winds down, the United Way of Iredell County is expressing its gratitude to the thousands of individuals across the county who have participated in workplace efforts to create a stronger community.

The United Way is blessed to have so many strong corporations, foundations, faith communities and individual partners that enable the work the nonprofit does to support the health, education and financial stability of families across Iredell County.

As Jeff Bardon, the 2024-25 United Way campaign chair, likes to say: “It’s amazing what can be done when we work together as a community, each of us contributing our time, resources, ideas and energy to creating a community where all of us have an opportunity to thrive. That’s what enabled United Way partners to impact 69,300 families during a time of need in the last year alone.”

Top Campaigns

Iredell Health System as set the bar as the highest employee campaign in Iredell for the past several decades. This partnership has been in place since both organizations were founded in 1954.

Since 1996, the employees of Iredell Health System have raised more than $2.2 million through this partnership for local non-profit organizations and the families they serve, changing tens of thousands of lives for the better.

“What a testament to the caring hearts of our incredible team of employees. Our vision statement is to guide our neighbors to optimal health, and we know that is best served through working with our fellow non-profits in Iredell to best meet the wholistic needs of families,” said John Green, president & CEO of Iredell Health System.

“I am so proud be a part of this team with their ongoing focus on our community!”

Other top contributors to the 2024-2025 campaign include:

♦ Iredell-Statesville Schools
♦ Doosan Bobcat
♦ JC Steele & Sons
♦ Kewaunee Scientific
♦ NGK Ceramics
♦ Publix Super Markets
♦ Quicktrip Inc.
♦ Goodyear Tire & Rubber
♦ Speedball Art Products

Help Make a Difference

If you or your organization is interested in partnering with United Way to support community impact initiatives, contact United Way of Iredell County Director of Marketing & Corporate Engagement Jody Taylor at 704-832-8247 or jtaylor@uwiredell.org. The 2024-2025 campaign continues into next spring, and there’s still time to make a meaningful difference.