Editor’s Note: This is the second installment of a three-part series. You can read part I HERE. Part III will be published on Sunday.

IFN Staff

Iredell-Statesville Schools’ administrators gave the I-SS Board of Education poor marks for members’ relationships with district staff and Superintendent Jeff James.

In a survey completed last month, more than 66 percent of participating administrators either “disagreed” or “strongly disagreed” with the statement that the “Board of Education works as a team with the Superintendent and staff in a climate of professionalism and mutual respect.”

Given the opportunity to provide comments on that statement, several administrators were quite blunt in their assessment of the board.

“Some members work with the superintendent, but several actively and vocally work against the superintendent. This creates a culture of distrust,” one respondent wrote.

“Board meetings are embarrassing to watch. You are known outside of the state for your lack of professionalism,” another administrator wrote.

Approximately 90 central officer administrators and school-based administrators, including principals and assistant principals, participated in the district-administered survey in early February. About 100 staff members were invited to participate in the survey.

The survey asked the respondents whether they strongly agreed; agreed; neither agreed nor disagreed; disagreed; or strongly disagreed with nine different statements related to the school board’s performance. Respondents, who were allowed to participate anonymously, were also given the opportunity to provide comments related to each question.

While the Board received favorable marks overall on a question related to promoting student safety and well-being, some administrators criticized board members for not supporting “all” students, including LGBTQ students and students from low socio-economic groups.

“… our board (most) does not care about all students – they care about Moms for Liberty and their agenda which does not care about all students,” one administrator wrote.

“The three amigos — aka white Supremacist Nazis have created a climate of chaos,” another respondent asserted.

Iredell Free News obtained copies of the data generated by the survey and respondents’ comments about the school board’s performance after filing a public records request.

Below are the data and comments associated with Questions 4-6:

Q4: The Iredell-Statesville Board of Education creates a climate which promotes the safety and well-being of all students.

♦ Strongly Agree: 6.76%
♦ Agree: 33.78%
♦ Neither Agree nor Disagree: 28.28%
♦ Disagree: 22.97%
♦ Strongly Disagree: 8.11%

Administrators’ Comments to Q4

♦ The board doesn’t do anything to protect our LGBTQ population of students because they hold their personal beliefs over the safety of our students

♦ The kind of statements made by members of the Board has damaged their perception within the community. Significant work needs to be done to mend that relationship.

♦ It would not let me select disagree and add a comment – our board (most) does not care about all students – they care about Moms for Liberty and their agenda which does not care about all students.

♦ It sometimes seems that the BOE does not promote safety and well-being of all students if they talk among themselves about having student thunder domes for fighting and charging admission.

♦ We need more mental health resources – not just SROs, but more resources to support the amount of children who show either internalizing and/or externalizing behaviors. Times are different and we cannot operate schools the way they were when they were going to schools – the needs are different and we need the support to help remove barriers that enable children to learn.

♦ The individual school creates a climate to promote the safety and well-being of all, not the school board.

♦ I do not think anyone on the board understands students of today, nor do they understand what many of our students face day in and day out who come from low socio-economic situations. The trauma that many of our students have had to endure. The family dynamics and social norms of many of the students are far different than what many of the board members would consider appropriate.

♦ The school board did not initially support our grant for school Based therapists. And do not support principals decisions for social and emotional learning Curriculum.

♦ Again, don’t feel School Board is fully aware of what “Well-Being of all students ” is or requires. 1. State law every student has right to quality education 2. Curriculum supports preparing students for the future 3. Curriculum supports exploration of Cultures, History, and Laws, Policies of Government 4. Hands on Learning while engaging in Collaborative team work 5. Ensuring all students are free from Bullying and harassment irregardless of who they are-Title IX 6. Understanding Differentiation and the need to differentiation lessons for students on variety of learning levels 7. Need to continue with Instructional coaching for BTs and other teachers 8. Understanding the need to have a Nurse, Counselor, Social Worker, etc. to support SEL – kids are traumatized how do we expect them to learn when they have environmental, social and emotional baggage they bring to school. I could go on but do not believe sincerely that our BOE has any idea of about how all this works in Public School.

♦ The three amigos — aka white Supremacist Nazis have created a climate of chaos.

♦ BOE members have disrespected many schools and the principals in which serve those schools. Looking for “consequences” or the “thunderdome” comment resonates and is not easily forgotten.

♦ I’ve never seen the board get along and model a positive community culture. You cannot promote what you do not model.

♦ I do think the Board has put safety of students at the top of their agenda.

Q5: The Iredell-Statesville Board of Education has adopted practices to support the efficiency of operations in Iredell-Statesville Schools.

♦ Strongly Agree: 5.19%
♦ Agree: 36.36%
♦ Neither Agree nor Disagree: 32.47%
♦ Disagree: 19.48%
♦ Strongly Disagree: 6.49%

Administrators’ Comments to Q5

♦ They hired quality people, which in turn supports the efficiency of operations.

♦ The board often holds the school system back by asking questions they should already know the answer to. This is hindering efficiency.

♦ The board requires additional steps that negatively impact our ability to manage and run a school.

♦ Again, with funding. Our schools are in desperate need of repair in a lot of areas. When you look good you feel good.

♦ We put in multiple work orders for the same things and they may or may not get addressed. Buses are still a mess and, on the surface, most of it looks good because of the people at the school level. Come out and spend a day at a school…all of them.

♦ I’m just not sure why we cannot be more efficient? Basic decisions take months. Have you watched other BOE meetings from other districts? Take a look at Mooresville’s and how supportive they are and there are no party lines.

♦ Yes, items are getting better, but disappointed with how far we are behind on much needed projects.

Q6: The Iredell-Statesville Board of Education works as a team with the Superintendent and staff in a climate of professionalism and mutual respect.

♦ Strongly Agree: 1.47%
♦ Agree: 19.12%
♦ Neither Agree nor Disagree: 13.24%
♦ Disagree: 48.53%
♦ Strongly Disagree: 17.65%

Administrators’ Comments to Q6

♦ I don’t believe that some of the board members respect the work that is done by teachers, district staff and principals.

♦ It’s clear that the Iredell-Statesville Board of Education doesn’t always work as a team with the Superintendent and staff. They often don’t see eye to eye and seem to disagree. The board sometimes bypasses the Superintendent, which doesn’t create a professional environment or mutual respect. It seems there is not a lot of teamwork.

♦ The BOE routinely argues among themselves during COW and BOE meetings in an unprofessional manner. Some of the BOE public conversations with the superintendent do not demonstrate mutual respect during COW and BOE meetings.

♦ Too much scrutiny, not a cohesive model amongst BOE members. How can we expect a cohesive

♦ This does not speak to all board members but enough that it creates a negative culture and atmosphere in which to work.

♦ I disagree that the Iredell-Statesville Board of Education consistently works as a team with the Superintendent and staff in a climate of professionalism and mutual respect. When individual board members choose to hold separate town hall meetings, it can create division rather than unity. Regardless of intent, these actions can give the impression of a lack of cohesion and shared purpose. A more unified, collaborative approach would strengthen trust, foster respect, and better support the district’s leadership and staff.

♦ Have you been to or listened to a board meeting? Respectful interactions start from the top.

♦ Mr. Kubiniec only wants to create division within the BOE and the community. He undermines the work the educational professionals are doing every day. ISS leadership has to spend way too much time on Mr. Kubiniec’s pet projects (The Giving Tree, Constitution Day Volunteers etc…) and it distracts them from getting the real work done.

♦ A person only needs to watch school board meetings to know this isn’t true.

♦ The board does not seem to work collaboratively but more as individuals and seem to struggle with putting differences aside and looking at school initiatives objectively.

♦ They are not interested in working within one on anything other than their own agendas.

♦ The board and superintendent do not know what goes on in the schools daily – especially the low performing schools. When is the last time a board member has gone to schools just to see the day to day operations? It’s hard to respect these entities when they are lacking support for building leaders.

♦ Board meetings are embarrassing to watch. You are known outside of the state for your lack of professionalism.

♦ It goes both ways on this topic.

♦ Some members work with the superintendent, but several actively and vocally work against the superintendent. This creates a culture of distrust.

♦ Seems to better lately.

♦ Complete chaos.

♦ Once again, the three amigos — Phelps puppets were ran and are coached by him to constantly rail (against) anything the district does–Captain Crazy violates policy on a continuous basis and then plays victim, but not as good as his counterpart Kurn. And cryin Bryan is too dumb to see he is being played. Absolute definition of dysfunction.

♦ I do not feel that board meetings demonstrate professionalism and mutual respect among the board members, nor the “tone” when questioning presenters, discussing issues, or interacting with each other.

♦ Some Board members disrespect our Superintendent. We’ve had Board members call each other names during meetings, while we are sitting with our students waiting to be recognized. One student said to his mother, “If we said that, we’d get in trouble.”

♦ There seems to be a lot of criticism and finger pointing from certain members, without really knowing what is going on in schools on a daily basis.

♦ Dr. James has been supportive and transparent, but it’s difficult for him to represent a district where there is drama during our board meetings.

♦ Seriously? Our board of education does not work well together. There is constant tension among members and a complete lack of respect for each other. At least between the 2 sides. There is an obvious divide. I also feel the board should trust the superintendent to run the school system. Getting involved at the school level shows a lack of trust not only with administrators, but also with central office. We/they have the expertise, training and education, not you. Furthermore, I think the board should “stay in their lane.” An example of one member asking our central office if we use Word Walls in classrooms, because you spent a little bit of time in another school district is insulting. You have no experience implementing any type of instructional strategy to a classroom full of students. Anyone can visit a school or read a book and then tell the experts to do some random action. As a leader, you have no traction or respect if you haven’t walked in their shoes and really insults us all when you think this way. It was not Mr. Kubiniec, but imagine if I watched “Band of Brothers” and then asked an officer if they thought about using artillery in battle. I have no experience or business giving that advice, and neither do you when it comes to teaching.

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