Editor’s Note: This is the third installment of a three-part series. You can read part I HERE and part II HERE.
IFN Staff
A majority of Iredell-Statesville Schools’ administrators expressed serious concerns about the ethics and integrity of the I-SS Board of Education in a recent performance evaluation of the Board.
In a survey completed last month, 64 percent of the district administrators who participated either “disagreed” or “strongly disagreed” with the statement that the Board “exhibits ethics, integrity, flexibility, and tact when working as a Board.”
Individual respondents questioned several members’ commitment to doing what is best for I-SS students and staff.
“… Mr. Kubiniec, Mr. Sloan and Mrs. Kurn always seem to want to cause disharmony and tension among the board members and ISS leadership,” one administrator wrote. “The job of being an educator is hard enough without the drama caused by some members of the BOE.”
“Disagreements among board members and accusations of bullying, (stalking), and disrespect, are concerning and do not align with the values of our community,” another respondent noted. “It often seems that personal agendas and ideas take precedence in discussions, which detract from the board’s mission.”
About 90 central office administrators and school-based administrators, including principals and assistant principals, participated in the district-administered performance evaluation in early February. About 100 staff members were invited to participate in the survey.
The survey asked the respondents whether they strongly agreed; agreed; neither agreed nor disagreed; disagreed; or strongly disagreed with nine different statements related to the school board’s performance. Respondents, who were allowed to participate anonymously, were also given the opportunity to provide comments related to each question.
Nearly 59 percent of the respondents “disagreed” or “strongly disagreed” with the statement that the Board “makes decisions to support the district priorities and not individual board member agendas.”
Individual responses in this area were also critical of the Board.
“The board’s focus on personal agendas get in the way of truly supporting teachers and staff. Instead of creating a positive and supportive atmosphere, their actions seem to make things more negative,” one administrator wrote.
“The board is very self-serving of their own agenda,” another respondent added. “Points of order, censoring board members, interrupting each other so they can hear themselves speak during board member comments. It is very embarrassing to be a part of a district that has leadership act this way.”
Iredell Free News obtained copies of the data generated by the survey and respondents’ comments about the school board’s performance after filing a public records request.
Below are the data and comments associated with Questions 7-9:
Q7: The Iredell-Statesville Board of Education exhibits ethics, integrity, flexibility, and tact when working as a Board.
♦ Strongly Agree: 1.32%
♦ Agree: 15.79%
♦ Neither Agree nor Disagree: 18.42%
♦ Disagree: 32.89%
♦ Strongly Disagree: 31.58%
Administrators’ Comments to Q7
♦ Disagreements among board members and accusations of bullying, (stalking), and disrespect, are concerning and do not align with the values of our community. It often seems that personal agendas and ideas take precedence in discussions, which detract from the board’s mission.
♦ It is evident in BOE meetings that members are not held to the same as school staff – it would be great to see this modeled from them if we expect that from our staff and students.
♦ I disagree that the Iredell-Statesville Board of Education consistently exhibits ethics, integrity, flexibility, and tact in their work. Recent actions and interactions among board members suggest a lack of professionalism and unity, which impacts trust and effectiveness. A more collaborative and respectful approach would better support students, staff, and the district’s overall mission.
♦ It is better now that Dr. Knight is the Chair, but Mr. Kubiniec, Mr. Sloan and Mrs. Kurn always seem to want to cause disharmony and tension among the board members and ISS leadership. The job of being an educator is hard enough without the drama caused by some members of the BOE.
♦ Maybe with the new school board chair that there will be more tact … But I am skeptical.
♦ Harmful and demeaning statements made by members of the board do not represent these characteristics. This is not a reflection of all board members but the board as a whole.
♦ The board could be a lot more efficient if they were able to work in a more collaborative nature and stay on task during meetings.
♦ The board members argue about petty items instead of focusing on our students and schools and how they can better support.
♦ Members of the board share their ethics, but they do not recognize that they represent a diverse county with individual school communities that have unique needs. They could work harder to show flexibility within the group.
♦ The exact opposite of this occurs with three members every meeting. They have tenacity for sure, because the circus never ends.
♦ I am hopeful that our new Board members can get the focus back on the needs of our district – ways to increase supplement so we can attract teachers and staff, how to get these schools finally built, and supporting our schools. Enough of the books and what is displayed in our buildings. PLEASE!
♦ Perception is not positive, but will be interested to see how the new board communicates and acts.
Q8: The Iredell-Statesville Board of Education makes decisions to support the district priorities and not individual board member agendas.
♦ Strongly Agree: 1.28%
♦ Agree: 17.95%
♦ Neither Agree nor Disagree: 21.79%
♦ Disagree: 24.36%
♦ Strongly Disagree: 34.62%
Administrators’ Comments to Q8
♦ The board’s focus on personal agendas get in the way of truly supporting teachers and staff. Instead of creating a positive and supportive atmosphere, their actions seem to make things more negative.
♦ There is more time spent on items that are minor in comparison to things that need to get done – the high school was supposed to be open by now, book banning, hanging posters with the Pledge of Allegiance in every classroom (many already had that and with a flag as well), micromanaging staff that are hired vs. trusting the schools and their processes, why are we focusing on things that have little to no impact. We need to be focusing on growing with the technology needs, finding and keeping quality teachers, making our schools equitable, BOE getting into schools – I haven’t seen a BOE member in my school in 5 years – how can our BOE members run our district without being in schools to see first hand what is going on.
♦ I disagree that the Iredell-Statesville Board of Education consistently makes decisions based solely on district priorities rather than individual agendas. Too often, discussions appear driven by political influences — both openly and behind the scenes — rather than a focus on improving our schools. A school board’s primary responsibility should be supporting students, teachers, and administrators, not engaging in political debates that mirror national issues. Refocusing on student achievement and district improvement would better serve our schools and community.
♦ That is not the perception – it appears that many have their own agendas and aren’t open to innovation and forward-thinking,
♦ When the BOE votes the outcome should be unanimous. A united Board is a strong Board, one that is focused on doing what is right by our students and parents. Instead we have 3 Board members who seem to want to draw attention to themselves and they view themselves as the “Saviors” of our broken system.
♦ Certain members, Kubiniec and Kern have their own personal and political agenda.
♦ Some members consider district priorities, but several seem to be concerned only with their own thoughts and opinions.
♦ Three board members are more concerned with calling everything out that isn’t them. White and entitled.
♦ Again, with new board members, time will tell. Previous board did not work well in public. You can disagree and question behind closed doors, but we are on the same team.
♦ The board is very self-serving of their own agenda. Points of order, censoring board members, interrupting each other so they can hear themselves speak during board member comments. It is very embarrassing to be a part of a district that has leadership act this way. A district priority was Weathers Creek High School. Yet it remains to be built. You put your own agendas and pettiness before you could get started on that project. MGSD was able to complete. You waited and now it’s 30% more expensive.
Q9: The Iredell-Statesville Board of Education builds and maintains relationships with the community and other governmental agencies.
♦ Strongly Agree: 2.67%
♦ Agree: 25.33%
♦ Neither Agree nor Disagree: 32%
♦ Disagree: 30.67%
♦ Strongly Disagree: 9.33%
Administrators’ Comments to Q9
♦ The majority of our school district staff doesn’t know the board members. None of them have made efforts to meet or stop by the schools to get to know teachers, administrators or support staff.
♦ I have rarely seen school board members visit classrooms, lunch rooms, or school level events during the school day or after school hours. They seem to have strong opinions about certain topics at some schools, but they have spent very little time at those schools during the school day.
♦ I do not see my BOE member out in the community and I am at several community events and haven’t seen any BOE members.
♦ I disagree that the Iredell-Statesville Board of Education effectively builds and maintains relationships with the community and other governmental agencies in an impartial and productive manner. Throughout the county, it is well known which board members align with certain groups, often prioritizing those affiliations over the needs of schools, teachers, students, and principals. Rather than fostering division, these groups should focus on supporting educators and strengthening our schools. The Board should also advocate for greater financial support from County Commissioners, especially as the county continues to attract businesses and workers. Without meaningful efforts to retain qualified staff, we risk losing dedicated teachers to better-paying districts with stronger financial support, ultimately leaving students with underqualified replacements.
♦ Building community relationships should start with each board member visiting the school they represent and showing their support to students and staff.
♦ The BOE and the County Board of (Commissioners) need to work in partnership. Certain members of our BOE (Mr. Kubiniec) always seem to want to pick a fight with the County Board of (Commissioners) and when they do so school funding suffers. The Education system is Iredell County and in North Carolina are facing Adult Problems and we need Adult Board Members to fix them, not little children who storm off or through a tantrum when they do not get their way.
♦ They build relationships with those who agree with them.
♦ Not all, 4-3 split so I can lump everyone together. But three members are just interested in grandstanding.
♦ I have no knowledge of this.
♦ The I-SS BOE maintains relationships with who they want in their corner supporting their agenda. It is clear that some of the ones elected have their own agenda driven by Government partisan policies.
♦ Majority of members can’t be found out at school and community events.
♦ Four members have the respect of the community. The three are why no one wants a joint session.
♦ Over the past 4 years what has the board done to alter the direction of the education of students. What resolutions have they drafted ?