IFN Staff

The Iredell County Sheriff’s Office reported the following felony arrests:

♦ Kasey Allen Randol, 34, of Rita Drive, Statesville, charged with felony probation violation.

♦ Ashley Jane Hubbell, 30, of Harmony Highway, Harmony, charged with conspiracy, misdemeanor resist or delay an officer and misdemeanor trespass.

♦ Larry Edward Moore, 44, of E. Memorial Highway, Harmony, charged with two counts of larceny, conspiracy, misdemeanor vandalism, misdemeanor resist or delay an officer and misdemeanor trespass.

♦ Markeith Kane Phifer, 30, of Nahcotta Drive, Mooresville, charged with felony probation violation.

♦ Bradley Gage Johnson, 23, of Highland Point Avenue, Harmony, charged with second-degree kidnapping, larceny of a firearm, larceny, larceny of a motor vehicle, possession of a firearm by a felon, possession of a stolen firearm, possession of a weapon of mass death or destruction, flee or elude arrest in a motor vehicle, misdemeanor violation of a release order, misdemeanor reckless driving, misdemeanor domestic violence and misdemeanor assault on a female.

♦ Troy Carl Werkheiser, 56, of Doubletree Drive, Statesville, charged with possession of a schedule II controlled substance, maintaining a dwelling or vehicle for controlled substances and a misdemeanor drug offense.

♦ John Thomas Bolton, 21, of Barriere Circle, Statesville, charged with possession of a controlled substance in a local jail and a misdemeanor drug offense.

♦ Christopher Michael Colborne, 28, of E. Lackey Farm Road, Stony Point, charged with three counts of fail to report/sex offender noncompliance and felony probation violation.

♦ Bradley Gage Johnson, 23, of Highland Point Avenue, Harmony, charged with breaking or entering a motor vehicle.

♦ Oscar Santibanez, 19, of Forest Hollow Drive, Statesville, charged with uttering a forged instrument and obtaining property by false pretenses.

♦ Kevin Turner, 57, of Melviney Street, Statesville, charged with possession with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver a schedule II controlled substance.

♦ Donny Juliius Wilder, 45, of N. Tradd Street, Statesville, charged with being a fugitive from justice.

♦ Brandon Scott Campbell, 39, of Antietam Road, Statesville, charged with intimidating a witness and two counts of probation violation.

♦ Daviante Aanya Lancaster, 24, of Creek Ridge Road, Greensboro, was served with a true bill felony indictment.

♦ Cherell Nichole Campbell, 35, of Bradley Farm Road, Statesville, charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, larceny from the person and misdemeanor domestic violence.

♦ Keith Brandon Cunningham, 31, of Laboratory Road, Lincolnton, charged with two counts of trafficking heroin.

♦ Roderick Wayne Miller 38, of Ashe Street, Mooresville, charged with sex offender fail to notify sheriff of address change and sex offender at or near child premises.

♦ Andre Lamont Shephard Jr., 35, of Margaret Drive, Statesville, charged with sell or deliver a schedule IV controlled substance, sell or deliver a schedule II controlled substance, possession with intent to sell or deliver a schedule IV controlled substance, possession with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver a schedule II controlled substance and felony probation violation.

♦ John Dexter Wines, 33, of Mount Ulla Highway, Mooresville, charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, two counts of possession of a firearm by a felon, violation of a domestic violence protection order with a deadly weapon, interfere with an electronic monitoring device, misdemeanor violation of a release order and misdemeanor violation of a domestic violence protection order.