Pictured are Hank Byrd, Iredell Friends of the Library president, and JMS Southeast representative Nichole Johnson.

Special to IFN

JMS Southeast recently donated $653.67 to Iredell Friends of the Library.

The contribution, sourced from the company’s vending machine earnings in January, is part of JMS Southeast’s monthly initiative to support various nonprofits.

“We are truly thankful for JMS Southeast for thinking of us. Not a lot of people know it, but our Friends fund just about all our programs and solicit support on the library’s behalf for many of our special projects and services. Any donation to the Iredell Friends of the Library directly enhances what we at the library can do for our community,” said Community Engagement Librarian Jenny Levins-Hertel.

About Iredell Friends of the Library

Iredell Friends of the Library is made up of people who want to help the library grow within the community. The group’s goal is to support the library and promote lifelong learning and literacy to the residents of Iredell County.

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