Special to IFN

RALEIGH — Iredell County’s unemployment rate dipped slightly — by 0.2 percent from November — to 3.1 percent in December, according to the N.C. Department of Commerce.

Iredell has a workforce of 97,333 individuals. Some 3,045 were classified as unemployed in December. 

Unemployment rates (not seasonally adjusted) decreased in 95 counties in December, increased in four, and remained unchanged in one. Mitchell County had the highest unemployment rate at 7.3 percent while Currituck County had the lowest at 2.7 percent.

All fifteen of the state’s metro areas experienced rate decreases. Among the metro areas, Asheville had the highest rate at 5.1 percent while Wilmington had the lowest at 2.8 percent.

The not seasonally adjusted statewide unemployment rate was 3.4 percent.

When compared to the same month last year, not seasonally adjusted unemployment rates increased in 52 counties, decreased in 29, and remained unchanged in 19. Eight metro areas experienced rate increases over the year, three decreased, and four remained unchanged.

The number of workers employed statewide (not seasonally adjusted) decreased in December by 5,333 to 5,041,982, while those unemployed decreased by 15,384 to 178,498. Since December 2023, the number of workers employed statewide increased 7,430, while those unemployed increased 9,851.