Pictured (from left) in the front row are Logan Summers, Jamison Bertrand, Brennan Diaz, Hudson Krall and Tanner Spillman; Back row: Cub Scout Pack Leaders Spencer Summers, Dara Bertrand, Cub Master – Kellyann Diaz, Paige Williams and Jessica Spillman.

Special to IFN

Scout Troop 363 from New Salem UMC in Statesville had an exciting weekend.

On Friday evening, the Troop was named Gemstone District Troop of the Year in recognition of their Scouting program and accomplishments.

On Sunday afternoon, Cub Scout Pack 363 had five Scouts earn their Arrow of Light Award, which allowed them to cross over to Troop 363.

On Monday evening the same five Scouts attended their first Troop meeting as new members. The new Scouts formed their Patrol and then started crafting their Patrol flag.

The new Scouts finished the night by hanging their name plaques, which is a tradition for all new Scouts coming into the Troop. As Scouts advance in Rank, they will move their name plaque under the Rank sign they have earned.


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