Special to IFN

On Monday, February 17, the Town of Mooresville had a discharge of untreated wastewater of approximately 2,070 gallons near 105 Glastonbury Drive due to debris in the gravity sewer line.

The untreated wastewater was discharged into an unnamed tributary to Back Creek. Upon inspection, the spill was not of a magnitude to cause immediate danger to human health or to the environment.

The public is reminded that materials such as cooking oil, grease, flushable wipes or paper towels should never be flushed or otherwise sent down the drain.

North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1C requires the owner or operator of any wastewater collection or treatment system to issue a report when an untreated wastewater discharge of 1,000 gallons or more reaches surface waters.

The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Water Resources Division was notified of the spill on Tuesday, February 18, and is reviewing the matter.

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