Pictured (from left) are Darbee Lewis and Cherish Smith.

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Darbee Lewis and Cherish Smith completed their Eagle Scout boards on February 17, an achievement attained by about 5 percent of the more than one million boys and girls involved in the Scouting America program (formerly Boy Scouts of America).

One reason so few Scouts make Eagle is that the requirements are extensive — earn 21 merit badges, be involved in a leadership position in your troop, do a service project and “tell how you have done your duty to God, how you have lived the Scout Oath and Scout Law in your everyday life, and how your understanding of the Scout Oath and Scout Law will guide your life in the future.”

Darbee and Cherish are part of Troop 1314, the first all-female troop and now the first combined troop for the Gemstone District, which covers all of Iredell County.

The troop was established in February 2019. Darbee and Cherish are the second and third Eagle Scouts for the troop.

Darbee, who lives in Statesville and is the daughter of David and Sonja Lewis, has been a member of Troop 1314 since February 2019. She earned 50 merit badges, held several leadership positions, went to several camporees and summer camps, and completed two high-adventure scouting trips during her time in the troop. Her Eagle Scout project was building two dugouts and picnic tables at Oakwood Middle School in Statesville. She plans on going to college after she graduates for a degree in marketing and management.

Cherish, who lives in Olin and is the daughter of Don and Rachel Smith, has been a member of Troop 1314 since March 2019. She earned 60 merit badges, held several leadership positions, went to several camporees and summer camps, and completed several service projects. Her Eagle Scout project was to build pet beds out of old tires for Piedmont Animal Rescue in Mooresville. She plans to go to college after she graduates for a degree in science and biology.

Both teens received lots of support from their Scout leaders and parents, who are also leaders of the troop, during their journey from scout to Eagle.