Marie Ella Rhodes was born on November 9, 1930, in her family’s farmhouse on Elbow Road in Catawba County, N.C. She wasn’t born alone; she had a twin sister, Mary Alice Rhodes. Marie and Mary shared their lives with nine other siblings, along with chickens, cows, pigs, and a horse that pulled their wagon to church.

As a farm girl during the Great Depression, Marie had no material advantages, only the ones that counted most—the ones money can’t buy. She was blessed with hardworking, loving, and God-fearing parents. Marie had food that the family grew themselves on the farm, at a time when many families went hungry. She wore welfare dresses, which she was always thankful for. Though her family didn’t have running water, they had a creek that stayed cool and refreshing all year long. They didn’t have electricity, but they had a lamp, a mantel, and a Bible that Dad read to the family every night. Marie believed that each moment and every possession was a gift from God, and she lived with a heart full of gratitude that grew more lovely with age.

Marie’s first presidential vote was for Dwight Eisenhower. By that time (1952), she was married to Walter Alvah Moore and had become Marie Rhodes Moore. They had six children together: Harold, Dewayne, Dianne, Judy, Rick, and Ron. Marie will be buried alongside her husband Walt at Iredell Memorial Gardens, among other World War II veterans.

Dewayne Moore, Dianne Mayhew, Judy Conner, and Ron Moore are her surviving children. Marie was blessed with 10 grandchildren and three step-grandchildren. Her strategy for handling so many little ones was to be generous with love, patience, and MoonPies. This strategy served her well, as she also leaves behind 11 living great-grandchildren and four step-great-grandchildren. Marie has two extra great-grandchildren in Heaven with her now, Alice White and Matthew Reeves, along with a step-great-grandchild, Casey Davis. Not many people can boast a great-great-grandchild, but Marie is survived by a sweet great-great-granddaughter named Evie.

Marie’s passing leaves a profound void in her family’s hearts, as they relied on her unwavering love. She strengthened her family through her love and faith, and they all leaned on her for prayers and acceptance. Marie’s legacy will be as enduring as her loss is deep. Marie passed away suddenly on September 4, 2024, in Lincolnton, N.C., surrounded by many of her children and grandchildren, who held her hand and read to her from her old Bible. The day before, she enjoyed a vigorous day filled with phone calls from her children and grandchildren, singing “I’ll Fly Away” with her great-grandbabies, and savoring the cool September air while listening to the birds on the porch.

Would you like to know more of her story? People like Marie have the power to change you if you sit a spell, grab a MoonPie, and let her tell you why everything is “so beautiful.” Here is a link to her story:

Funeral services will be held Monday, September 9, 2024, at 1 p.m. at the Nicholson Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Steve Pope officiating. Burial will follow at Iredell Memorial Gardens. The family will visit with friends from 12 to 1 p.m. prior to the service.

Nicholson Funeral Home is honored to serve the Moore family.

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