Robert E. “Bob” Plyler Jr., 98, of Statesville, N.C., passed away at Iredell Memorial Hospital on February 6. 2025.

Bob was born on November 22, 1926, to Robert E. and Berlah A. Plyler. He was a graduate of Statesville High School. It was here that Bob met the love of his life, Louise Edwards. They were married on November 23, 1944, and shared almost sixty-six wonderful years together before her death in 2011. Bob was also preceded in death by his parents and his brother, George.

Bob is survived by his sons, Mike (Susan), Ted (Sharon), and David (Regina); six grandchildren; and eight great grandchildren.

Bob entered the U.S. Army in April 1945. Later that year he was assigned to Company B, 350th Infantry regiment, occupational forces in Venezia-Guillia, Italy. During this tour of duty, he was promoted to Staff Sargeant. Bob’s decorations include European African Middle Eastern Medal, World War II Victory Medal, Occupational Medal-Germany, and the Good Conduct Medal.

Throughout his career, Bob was an award-winning professional photographer, business partner with Gloria Hager and owner/publisher of the Iredell Citizen weekly newspaper. Publishing his one newspaper fulfilled a lifelong dream and provided citizens of Iredell County with hours of reading pleasure.

Through the years when he was not working, Bob enjoyed sailing, traveling and working with Boy Scouts. He was the scoutmaster for the troop at Race Street Methodist Church. Even in his senior years, it was not unusual for former scouts to see Bob on the street and thank him for the excellent leadership skills he imparted to them.

The family would like to especially thank his caregiver, Fred Wilson, and the staff of gg’s for their care and concern and to others who stopped by for a visit.

The family will have a private burial service at a later date.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Statesville Historical Collection, 117 S. Center Street, Statesville, NC 28677.

Troutman Funeral Home is honored to serve the Plyler family.

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