Editor’s Note: Iredell Free News invited candidates for the 84th N.C. House District in the March 5 Republican primary election to share their qualifications, relevant experience and vision for this position. Early voting began February 15.
I want to first say thank you to my friends and neighbors for allowing me to serve you for the last 24 years. It has been a great honor and a privilege. I am running for re-election because I have finally worked my way into a place where I can truly be effective for Iredell County, along with helping the rest of the State of North Carolina. I am a chairman on the House Agriculture Committee, the first person who lives west of Raleigh to hold this position in over 75 years. Starting this session in January, I am also a chair of the House Transportation Committee. These are two of the largest committees in the N.C. House of Representatives. Because of my leadership skills and strong work ethic, my peers felt confident that I could handle these important positions. I have enjoyed helping my committee members with their legislation to make the best laws possible. Thankfully, my years of experience have given me the expertise to handle both difficult and sensitive issues in a committee setting.

Unfortunately, I have not experienced a normal session until now. I was unanimously appointed to the N.C. House in July of 2019, after serving you for three years as a county commissioner. The legislature was in a budget fight with the governor and my vote was critical to getting anything passed. Because of our differences with Gov. Roy Cooper and the Democrats in the General Assembly, we were only able to pass mini-budget resolutions that session. Then, in the spring of 2020, COVID-19 came on the scene and Gov. Cooper declared a State of Emergency for all of North Carolina. This State of Emergency went on for over 800 days and chaos ensued. The 2023-2024 session that we are in the middle of now seems normal compared to the last four years. Even with these unusual events, I was still able to bring home to Iredell a significant amount of state appropriations, along with my teammates. In the last two budget cycles, Team Iredell has returned $143 million of your tax money to Iredell County to pay for important infrastructure needs and non-profits’ charitable needs. This is more money than all of the combined appropriations Iredell County has ever received.
Lastly, love me or hate me, I will be your senior House member from Iredell County in the near future. My dear friend, Rep. Grey Mills, is running for North Carolina’s 10th District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. We will have a new representative from District 95 (Mooresville/South Iredell) elected in November. This individual will start on the back row and have to work their way up from zero seniority. Do we, the smart citizens of Iredell County, really want two representatives sitting on the back row at the same time? If this happens, our funding will drop dramatically, along with our ability to move legislation.
I have cast over 4,000 recorded votes for Iredell County in the 24 years you have allowed me to serve you. I have a proven record of being conservative and a good steward of your tax dollars. I am asking you for your vote. Would you rather have an experienced consistent public servant making decisions on your behalf or an inexperienced novice with no proven track record? The choice in this race is obvious.
Rep. Jeff McNeely is a candidate for the 84th District seat in the N.C. House of Representatives.
Something about Jeff that I admire is that he got to where he is the right way (in my opinion).
He is active in his church and community and grew and led a successful family business. Got involved in local elected office and county committees. His son grew up and was able jump into the operations of the family business giving Jeff time to explore more opportunities and then was able to go to Raleigh when Rena resigned.
In Raleigh he has made a positive name for himself across the state. My farmer friends across the state know Representative McNeely and credit him with great agricultural leadership.
Representative McNeely has got to where he is through a great path, gave Iredell County a seat at the table in Raleigh and I pray continues to work for us into the future.
Why back-step when the momentum is in our favor!
“I understand that you went into public school and into Harvard law and the question is… would you have been able to achieve this if you were not an athlete or a minority,” said Jeff McNeely a Republican representative from Iredell County.
This is who Jeff McNeely really is. His years of experience led him to make this statement in 2023.
Get this clown out of Raleigh so he can return those awful suits.
Dr D.
Where does one buy those suits he wears? Funny how he won’t wear that stupid clown attire while campaigning in North Iredell.
Rep. McNeely:
Will you support more gambling?
Will you support horse racing?
We know you support sports wagering, yes?
I would strongly appeal to the citizens of the 84th District, most of Iredell County, to read the second to the last paragraph in the above article again and again if necessary to fully understand what WE WILL lose if Rep. McNeely is not re-elected as our representative in the N.C. House. As the sitting Chair of the House Agriculture Committee and the House Transportation Committee, both of which are vital in importance to the future of Iredell County, we cannot afford to lose those posts in Raleigh.
While Rep. McNeely’s Republican opponent, John Gallina, may be a fine man, I do not believe for one second that Iredell County will be better served or better off with anyone representing us at this time other than Jeff McNeely. It is beyond my comprehension, that after so many years, that the citizens of Iredell County would not understand the enviable position that we are in having OUR representative as Chair of two powerful committees. Please don’t throw that opportunity away! Vote with your mind and not your emotions! Re-elect Jeff McNeely!
Hey Dale! Did McNeely earn those chairman positions or did he pay for them? Or is that the way it works in Raleigh?
McNeely seems pretty tight with Tim Moore and Jason Saine, two “experienced” politicians. They taught him well. I’m using logic to make up my mind; not fear tactics like you and the McNeely crowd.
Jeff you ain’t foolin no one.
You bought those chairman positions.
That’s the way they roll. ‘Mo money to “the caucus” the better positions you get and more PAC money. Ask your pal Saine about how he uses his campaign money for trips and custom tailored suits. You must have not learned that little trick yet.
It’s all good, you’ll figure it out, just ask Saine and Tim Moore.
This guy only cares about himself. Please do not re-elect him. We will not lose anything. Mr. McNelly is only using scare tactics
By your own logic, you should have never been elected to any position without experience, but this is probably strange to you as you were appointed, not elected to your position in 2019. What vast experience you seem to have gained in such a short time. It must be easy if you have ascended so far in such a short time. Let me get this straight: you inherited your local business, your opponent built a national organization from scratch, but you think you have the experience? I do like your paisley tux though.