To the Editor:

Now that elections are over, how about some state legislation that will help the citizens of Iredell County? We need to end the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJs) to towns/cities in Iredell County.

Instead of actually considering the impact to transportation, education and other major infrastructure, towns and cities continue to annex land in the ETJs and allow high-density residential developments. Based on e-mails I have received from Sen. Vickie Sawyer, she is in agreement with restricting ETJs.

Towns are ignoring citizen opinions and annexing lands in ETJs with massive apartment complexes and high-density housing. This is having a major impact on water, sewer, schools, and roads as well as on demand food, medicine, and hospitals. While NC statute states planning and zoning can (and should) address the impacts to this infrastructure, towns have not sufficiently addressed it in zoning decisions. The state is very slow to improve roads, and Iredell County is now responsible for a projected $450 million in school facility needs over the next five years. And that may not even cover the needs. Time is running out and swift action is necessary.

The public needs to know where Rep. Jeff McNeely stands on this issue and what our local delegation is doing about it.

Glenn Sullivan

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